60 Seconds! Reatomized Achievements Full list of all 60 60 Seconds! Reatomized achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 30-35 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 60 Offline Mode 60 Single Player 4 Cumulative + 1 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply PrepperSurvive 5 days in your fallout shelter. I will survive!Last 10 days in your fallout shelter. SurvivalistStay in your fallout shelter for 20 days. Last man standingStay alive in your fallout shelter for 40 days. Konrad style!Beat the fallout shelter survival record. 1 guideSouper!Collect 10 soup cans from your house. 1 guide2-1-6Collect 10 water bottles from your house. 1 guideDanger zoneBreak or use everything possible in your shelter. 2 guidesAll thumbsBreak or use something in your fallout shelter. 1 guideCuckoo's nestTurn your fallout shelter into a madhouse. 1 guideGotta get 'em allScavenge each item at least once. 1 guideAtomic drillComplete the government endorsed fallout drill. This is the endIt's all over. 1 guideRescue time!Get rescued by the military. 1 guideBughunterShow those mutant roaches who's in charge. 1 guideOne way ticketDie in your fallout shelter. 1 guideFriend in needFind a new friend. Family guyRescue the whole family. 1 guideTora! Tora! Tora!Ram 1337 obstacles in your house. 1 guideLumbersexualTrim Ted's beard the trendy way. 1 guideHome, sweet homeGet to the shelter before the bomb hits. New speciesMutant!!! 1 guideDuck and cover!Survival is overrated. Stay to see the fireworks! 2 guidesMiracleListen to the voices from beyond. 2 guidesNew orderMeet the local 'law-enforcement'. 1 guideUnpluggedRam a toilet. 1 guideEnola GayWin a game in every mode on Little Boy difficulty. Manhattan ProjectWin a game in every mode on Fat Man difficulty. Dead HandWin a game in every mode on Tsar Bomba difficulty. 1 guideYes ManAlways say YES and win. 1 guideFair ExchangePerform 30 successful trades. 1 guideThe Dark SideShow your evil self. 1 guideLiberationRescue someone from the bandits. 1 guideA giftReceive a gift. 1 guideNaysayerAlways say NO and win. 1 guideWhat goes around...Give and get back. 1 guideNo stone unturnedFully explore your shelter. 2 guidesUnbreakableDefeat three bandit attacks in one game. PacifistDefend yourself without a weapon. 1 guideBe PreparedDon't forget to stock your shelter. 1 guideA New HopeAlly with other wastelanders. Pro gamerIn Apocalypse mode grab only what a real gamer needs. 1 guideMad HatterPut on a stylish hat. 1 guideHolidays!Complete the holiday challenge. 1 guideChallengerComplete one challenge. Cat LadyLearn to serve and obey the new masters. 1 guideFeline DominationLook at me. I'm the captain, meow. 2 guidesSoup Can into SpaceReach for the stars. 1 guideMen in BlackFind your way into the VIP bunker. 1 guideRaining Cats and DogsThere can only be one. 1 guideOut of the BagFind a new companion. 1 guideGirl PowerLive through the nuclear blast as Dolores. 1 guideEnigmaReconnect with old friends. 1 guideDisco RoachMake them dance. 1 guideDawkins ResidenceFind Deedee's apartment. 1 guideNot AloneIf you play it, they will come. 1 guideTake that, Brundlefly!Swat it real good. 2 guidesPanzerOkay: three, two, one, let's jam! 1 guideRogue OneComplete one survival challenge. Stay frostyA cool escape.