Players that want to boost this game

Gamer Achievements Won TA GS Presence
USA AndroidOdnetnin AndroidOdnetninGTASC 2021-22 is now over. My team helped carry me to 3rd place in the competition. Thank you "Black BIood" and "InigoMontoya80"! You guys are great! 0 0 (0)
England notion3000 notion3000 2 171 (160) On site
Canada Tressilation Tressilation2024 | ACH: 530 | GS: 45,090 | YRTD: 1.34 (1.6621) | GS: 18 (2678) | Comp %: 31.20 | Comp: #21 (#546) - Mekabolt [X1, Gamer #5,393] 8 780 (660)
USA VictimOfDesire VictimOfDesireTaking an anti-baby game/baby gamer stance when you have unimpressive GS, ratio, AND completion percentage stats is...interesting to say the least... 0 0 (0) On site
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