Latest The Adventures of Shuggy News

[UPDATE] Eight XBLA Delistings Bring in the New Year

At the end of every year, Microsoft has a junk out of their marketplace. This year was no exception. The end of 2017 has seen eight more Xbox Live Arcade titles disappear from the marketplace.

Posted 7 years ago by Rebecca Smith

August Gets More Monthly Permanent XBL Reductions

The middle of the month always sees a new list of Xbox LIVE content to receive a permanent reduction. August is no exception and the list for this month includes XBLA games and DLC. Here is the list:

Posted 13 years ago by Rebecca Smith

The Adventures of Shuggy Release Date Confirmed

The Adventures of Shuggy is an Xbox LIVE Arcade puzzle platformer developed by Smudged Cat Games, whose previous games include A Bomb's Way, The Tower: A Bomb's Climb and Timeslip which have been rel

Posted 14 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Latest The Adventures of Shuggy Screenshots

The Adventures of Shuggy Screenshot 1The Adventures of Shuggy Screenshot 2The Adventures of Shuggy Screenshot 3The Adventures of Shuggy Screenshot 4The Adventures of Shuggy Screenshot 5The Adventures of Shuggy Screenshot 6The Adventures of Shuggy Screenshot 7The Adventures of Shuggy Screenshot 8