
Against the Storm (Windows)Keepers of the Stone

3 (21%)
Keepers of the Stone

Keepers of the Stone Achievements

The Keepers of the Stone Add-on for Against the Storm (Windows) has 7 achievements worth 100 gamerscore.

  • Frog Utopia

    Win a game with 40 Frogs, 20 x Frog House, 1 x Forum. (Keepers of the Stone)

  • The Coastal Grove

    Win a game on the Coastal Grove biome. (Keepers of the Stone)

  • Strider Rider

    Send out 100 expeditions in the Coastal Grove. (Keepers of the Stone)

  • The Search Continues

    Send out 12 expeditions in one game in the Coastal Grove. (Keepers of the Stone)

  • Feeling Lucky

    Find the Homestead and Rainpunk Foundry blueprints in the Coastal Grove. (Keepers of the Stone)

  • Frog Republic

    Upgrade 12 Frog Houses to the maximum level in one game. (Keepers of the Stone)

  • It's Wednesday

    Win a game with Frogs on a Wednesday. (Keepers of the Stone)

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