Full list of all 130 Age of Empires IV: Anniversary Edition achievements worth 1,580 gamerscore.
The base game contains 89 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there are 2 DLC packs containing 41 achievements worth 580 Gamerscore.
Win a match as the Ottomans.
Win 20 matches as the Ottomans.
Have 5 Military Schools active at the same time as the Ottomans.
Defeat 100 ranged units with a Sipahi unit as the Ottomans.
Destroy a Wonder with a Great Bombard as the Ottomans.
Unlock 7 Imperial Council upgrades in a single match as the Ottomans.
Defeat 500 enemies with units affected by Mehteran as the Ottomans.
Garrison units into 3 Trebuchets as the Ottomans.
Win a match as the Malians.
Win 20 matches as the Malians.
Generate tax from 5 Toll Outposts on a single trip as the Malians.
Attack 100 enemies with invisible Musofadi Warriors or Gunners in a single match as the Malians.
Defeat a Heavy Cavalry unit with a Poisoned Arrow as the Malians.
Gather Gold 1,000 times from Open Pit Mines as the Malians.
Defeat 500 units with Poisoned Arrow as the Malians.
Garrison 20 Cattle in Ranches at the same time as the Malians.
Complete the Ottoman Mastery.
Complete the Malian Mastery.
Earn a gold medal in the Ottoman Art of War challenge.
Earn a gold medal in the Malian Art of War challenge.
Win a match as the Byzantines.
Win 20 matches as the Byzantines.
Construct a Transport Ship with a Varangian Guard and garrison it fully as the Byzantines.
Recruit 60 mercenaries from a Mercenary House in a single match as the Byzantines.
Defeat 200 enemies with Limitanei while Shield Wall is active as the Byzantines.
Destroy 50 buildings with Cheirosiphons as the Byzantines.
Build 10 Cisterns in a single match as the Byzantines.
Accrue 2,000 Olive Oil in a single match as the Byzantines.
Win a match as the Japanese.
Win 20 matches as the Japanese.
Heal 20 units using Shinto Priest units in a single match as the Japanese.
Spend Stone to research all Town Center upgrades as the Japanese.
Convert Stone to Gold at a Forge 250 times in a single match as the Japanese.
Disable 50 buildings with Shinobi units as the Japanese.
Defeat 50 siege units using Ozutsu units as the Japanese.
Enhance 10 resource dropoff buildings by depositing a Sacred Object as the Japanese.
Complete The Sultans Ascend campaign.
Have 20 Trade Ships trading simultaneously during the Raiders of the Red Sea.
Capture all Control Points during Into Egypt.
Eliminate all 3 enemy leaders within 30 seconds of each other during the Battle of Mansurah.
Rescue all the prisoners during the Invasion of Cyprus.