Latest Agony News

Agony Unrated Patch Arrives on Xbox One with Major Changes

If you've been following Agony, you'll know that a plethora of issues still remain in the broken title. That being said, Madmind Studio is eager to fix this with a new patch, so perhaps there's hope for those still in hell.

Posted 6 years ago by NicoleRenee00

Agony Receives A Much Needed Patch

Madmind Studio are looking to make Agony a little less painful and a bit more bearable with the release of a new patch which contains a lot of fixes and improvements.

Posted 7 years ago by Ashley Woodcock

Agony Review

Agony is a first-person horror game in which everything is broken. It should be played by no one before patches fix many issues. Sadly some of the game's problems simply can't be patched and Agony may never be worthwhile.

Posted 7 years ago by Mark Delaney

New Xbox Releases: Week Beginning May 28th, 2018

At retail, there's a controversial journey into hell, and two collections, one of classic Street Fighter titles and the other of classic SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis games.

Posted 7 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Agony Achievement List Revealed

The horrors of Agony are almost upon us. Will the achievement list have you in agony too? Find out what horrors are in store for you with the newly revealed achievement list.

Posted 7 years ago by Ashley Woodcock

Take A Trip To Hell In Agony's Story Trailer

As it turns out, a trip to hell isn't exactly family-friendly. Beware of nudity -- although perhaps less gore than one might expect -- in this story trailer for Madmind Studio's upcoming survival-horror game Agony.

Posted 7 years ago by Andy Mills

Agony Arrives on Consoles in May

Developer Madmind Studios has teamed up with publisher Maximum Games to bring their horror-survival title to console at the end of next month.

Posted 7 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Agony Sends Out a Thank You in Their New Teaser

A new teaser has been released for developer Madmind Studios' upcoming survival horror title Agony. The team has sent out a "Thank You" to the large number of Steam users who have added the game to their wish list.

Posted 8 years ago by Ashley Woodcock

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