Alien Hominid Invasion Achievements Full list of all 65 Alien Hominid Invasion achievements worth 2,000 gamerscore. It takes around 15-20 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game.The base game contains 43 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 22 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 65 Online/Offline 64 Single Player 65 Cooperative 3 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 4 Difficulty Specific 1 Collectable 1 Missable 25 Cumulative + 4 Level 1 Shop 3 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 2,716 1,000 43 4.331,51540 (3%)15-20h First ContactKill your first enemy Alert Level MauveKill 510 enemies Alert Level VioletKill 2,500 enemies Alert Level PurpleKill 5,000 enemies Safe KeepingReach 5 hideouts total Super PoweredUse your mutation ability 100 times You Aren't Beefy EnoughDestroy an HQ Let's Talk About ThisDestroy 3 HQs Alright That's ItDestroy 12 HQs New LifeformReach XP level 5 Surviving LifeformReach XP level 25 Strong LifeformReach XP level 50 Lifeform Finds A WayReach XP level 75 Lots on the LineComplete a mission without reaching any hideouts Just Like My AncestorComplete a mission without dying Triggering the AlarmsComplete a mission with more than 8 city blocks destroyed LOL EZComplete a level without taking more than 30 damage I Like It HereStay in a level for 10 minutes Didn't Need That ButtonComplete a level without jumping 1 guideSouls-LikeRoll through 500 bullets SpectrumUnlock 20 pigments Extraterrestrial ExchangeSell an item for Lunch Money EconomistSell 30 items Chunk of ChangeHave 2000 Lunch Money saved up Robbin GoodGain over 110 Lunch Money in a single level LunchtasticGain over 220 Lunch Money in a single level Alley OopsKill 20 enemies with Jetpack explosions Tastes Like HumanLife steal 5,000 damage Quit Hitting YourselfDeflect 10,000 damage total 1 guideBeam NotKill 30 Beambots Frog-NotKill 20 Frogbots Anti-AirBlow up 10 Sky Vans Van't Stop MeBlow up 10 Vans Grena-tearsKill 50 Grenadiers FlyswatterKill 50 Flybots Best DefenseKill 20 Shield Agents More Where That Came FromDie Once Die HarderDie a total of 10 times Won't Stay DownDie a total of 33 times If It BleedsTake a total of 15,000 damage (lifetime) Insane in the EyestrainDefeat all bosses on Insane difficulty Technically a SequelFinish the storyline Is That All You've GotComplete 5 waves in a bonus level Update Update Part 1 3,991 1,000 22 0.0067929 (4%)6-8h In a FlashGet 10 kills in 4 seconds 2 guidesThree's a CrowdPop out of the ground under two or more enemies Toddler Mutant Progression HurdlesUnlock your first alternate Mutation Rocket PoweredKill 10 enemies with your Sky Ranger jetpack ability (lifetime) 88 MPHCover 1000 meters while using the Speed Demon ability (lifetime) Cry Some MoreUse the Weapon Specialist active ability to kill 5 enemies in one use I Need HealingRegenerate 1000 health of yourself or friends as the Medic (lifetime) With Enemies Like TheseRide on top of every enemy type possible Rodeo StarStay on a Bulldogzer for 10 seconds I'm Not AfraidSurvive a Beambot Swarm level Bossing AroundKill a boss in less than 45 seconds of their arrival 1 guideThere Has to be a Way to do ThisDo not intentionally move your alien for the first 30 seconds + successfully finish a regular level Prime DirectiveComplete a streak of 10 successful objectives Anti-ArmorBreak 300 armored agents' armor DownshotterDownshoot 999 times (lifetime) Speed RunnerReach an enemy HQ from row 1 within 18 minutes (in-level time) FleshwoundExtract with less than 20% health and no lives left We Come in PeaceComplete a level with over 300 kills 1 guideYou Are Very StrongComplete 1 level using Show Off Surfin' UFORide a Surf Missile for 15 seconds High 5Achieve a stack of 4 aliens and 1 agent It's Super DeflectiveDeflect 50 shots in a single level