Latest AlphaJax (WP) News

Multiple Windows Phone Games Updated

Update: To clear up some confusion, xPut Name Herex has offered an explanation of exactly what this update means, and why people are experiencing different levels of accessibility with the games list

Posted 11 years ago by Michelle Balsan

AlphaJax Title Update Released

Yesterday, AlphaJax (WP) received an update titled Version 1.1, which was hoped to fix a few bugs introduced into the game during its progression from indie title to Xbox LIVE title, including some i

Posted 12 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Windows Phone Release: December 5th, 2012

Deal of the Week may be on a short hiatus, but Windows Phoners will gladly take a free game during its absence. Here we see the release of a Scrabble clone designed from the ground up for Windows Pho

Posted 13 years ago by litepink

Windows Phone DotW to Take a Break

Sad news, Windows Phone users. After recently noting how lucky you are with the recent price drops and other deals, WPCentral has confirmed that the Windows Phone Deal of the Week will be on hiatus t

Posted 13 years ago by Michelle Balsan