Angels with Scaly Wings Achievements Here is the full list of all 62 Angels with Scaly Wings achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 62 Offline Mode 62 Single Player 62 Missable Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Blood DonationGive Anna your blood. 1 guideBraveryOrder the daily special. 1 guideBookwormRead a bunch of books. 1 guideDaredevilDrink a mysterious liquid. 1 guideOvicideWaste a perfectly good batch of eggs. 1 guideFruitarianLearn a lot about fruits. 1 guideNuisanceRefuse to help Bryce 20 times. 1 guideInvestigator 1Do well on the first investigation. 1 guideLibrarianBring Remy's books into the correct order. 3 guidesPatientWait for Remy until you get bored. 1 guideGeneral KnowledgistAnswer Anna's questions correctly. 2 guidesTeetotalerReject Bryce's invitation. 1 guideDisrobementGet Adine to remove her headgear. 1 guideYou are a winner!Beat Sebastian at his own game. 1 guideInterrogator 1Interrogate Damion. 1 guideFinders, KeepersOpen the hatch in Tatsu Park. 1 guideArcheologistFind a handful of dirt. 1 guideLandscaperAppreciate the landscape. 1 guideOrb FinderFind a mysterious orb 1 guideWindow ShopperLook at everything the store has to offer. 1 guideInvestigator 2Do well on the second investigation. 1 guideMemoriesLook at Remy's pictures. 1 guideSnoopLook at Anna's envelope. 2 guidesLeg StretcherStretch your legs. 1 guideEau de DragonExamine Bryce's blanket. 1 guideResearch MaterialLook at Bryce's magazine. 1 guideAudiophileListen to a bunch of music. 1 guideThe PoliticianPaint Emera's nails. 1 guideCartographerAcquire a map. 1 guideBase FinderFind a mysterious base. 1 guidePranksterPlay a prank on Bryce. 1 guideAltruistHelp Katsuharu 1 guideInterrogator 2Interrogate Anna. 1 guideStalkerFollow Vara. 1 guideRecklessGo to the portal. 1 guideInvestigator 3Do well on the third investigation. 1 guideFlawless RunDo well in all investigations in a single playthrough. 1 guideSouvenirKeep the seashells. 1 guideThe ArtisanSell some ice cream with Katsuharu. 1 guideIn Loco ParentisReturn the eggs to the hatchery. 1 guideSphere BuilderAssemble the sphere. 1 guideThe StudentGet a psycology lesson from Kevin. 1 guideLazyDecide not to meet anyone or investigate 10 times. 1 guideFast ForwardJump ahead in time 10 times. 1 guidePopularHave two messages waiting for you at the same time. 1 guideUtterly PointlessPlay chapter 3 after you have seen at least 5 endings. 1 guideUnmaskingSee what lies beneath the mask. 1 guideIt BeginsSee your first ending. 1 guideDetonationSee the neutral ending. 1 guideAloneSee Remy's bad ending. 1 guideCasualties of WarSee Remy's good ending. 1 guideSacrificeSee Anna's bad ending. 1 guideTragic HeroSee Anna's good ending. 1 guideRememberSee Lorem's bad ending. 1 guideThe PlanSee Lorem's good ending. 1 guideCatastrophySee Bryce's bad ending. 1 guideMurdererSee Bryce's good ending. 1 guideGetawaySee Adine's bad ending. 1 guideDecisionsSee Adine's good ending. 1 guideBetrayalSee the evil ending. 1 guideOptimistSee your first good ending. 1 guideHopeSee the true ending. 1 guide