ArcaniA: Gothic 4 Achievements Here is the full list of all 46 ArcaniA: Gothic 4 achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 45 Offline Mode 45 Single Player 17 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 1 Difficulty Specific 4 Collectable 2 Missable 16 Cumulative + 2 Cumulative - 5 Level 1 External Content 2 Buggy - 1 Unobtainable Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Teacher BeaterProve your mettle to your secret mentor 2 guidesFamily ManObtain Ivy's agreement to marry you 1 guideQueenslayerDefeat the loam vermin queen 1 guideBane of the BanditsClear the bridge to Stewark 1 guideKingmakerBring stability to Stewark 1 guideChampion of SilverlakeObtain access to the Silverlake archives 1 guideMaster of the ElementsObtain an audience with the Grand Master of Water in Tooshoo 1 guideChosen by Fire and ShadowLearn the secrets of the abbots of the Sea Cliff Monastery 1 guideBad DogDefeat Jabo’s watchdog 2 guidesSeekerGain access to the forgotten temple 1 guideForged by DestinyClaim the power of the divine forge 1 guideAvengerObtain revenge for Feshyr 1 guideSaviourDefeat an ancient evil 1 guideDeft HandsCraft your first item 1 guideFirst BloodEmerge victorious from your first battle 1 guideInitiateAnnihilate an enemy with a spell 1 guideHunterFinish an enemy off with a well-placed shot 2 guidesWeaponsmithCraft 5 weapons 2 guidesAlchemistBrew 50 potions or elixirs 1 guideBattlemageKill 100 enemies with magic 2 guidesChampionKill 100 enemies with melee weapons 1 guideMarksmanKill 100 enemies with ranged weapons 1 guideMerchantSell 200 items 1 guideExplorerCover more than 50Km on foot 1 guideAwakenedReach Level 2 GreenhornReach Level 5 AdventurerReach Level 10 1 guideVeteranReach Level 20 1 guideLegendReach Level 30 3 guidesConquerorComplete the game on the hardest difficulty level 3 guidesDeadly AdversaryDefeat 500 enemies 1 guideArmy of OneDefeat 1000 enemies 1 guideRicher than DiegoHoard 200`000 pieces of gold 2 guidesArcane ReaperKill 300 enemies with magic 1 guideDuelistKill 100 enemies with flurries 2 guidesSniperKill 100 enemies with headshots 3 guidesGeekObtain all other achievements ChickenbaneKill 10 chickens in the game 1 guideGluttonConsume 200 items 3 guidesKnight in Shining ArmorComplete all quests 2 guidesMaster ChefLearn all recipes 2 guidesJackrabbitJump 1000 Times 2 guidesRelaxed AttitudeUse beds or chairs for 60 minutes 1 guideAncient TreasureObtain all ancient relics 2 guidesRadiant BlessingObtain all Innos statuettes 1 guideDark RewardObtain all Beliar artifacts 2 guides