Assassin's Creed II Achievements Full list of all 50 Assassin's Creed II achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 20-25 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox 360.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 50 Offline Mode 50 Single Player 18 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 6 Collectable 1 Missable 4 Cumulative + 7 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The Birth of an AssassinBe reborn as Ezio Auditore Da Firenze. 5 guidesArrivederci AbstergoBreak out of Abstergo. 2 guidesWelcome to the Animus 2.0Enter the Animus 2.0. 2 guidesThe Pain of BetrayalComplete DNA Sequence 1. 2 guidesVengeanceComplete DNA Sequence 2. 1 guideExit the SonComplete DNA Sequence 3. 1 guideBloody SundayComplete DNA Sequence 4. 1 guideUndertakerDiscover the Assassin's Tomb inside the catacombs under Santa Maria Novella. 1 guideThe ConspiratorsComplete DNA Sequence 5. 1 guideAn Unexpected JourneyComplete DNA Sequence 6. 1 guideBleeding EffectComplete training and reenter the Animus. 2 guidesThe Merchant of VeniceComplete DNA Sequence 7. 1 guideThe Impenetrable PalazzoComplete DNA Sequence 8. 1 guideMasqueradeComplete DNA Sequence 9. 2 guidesBianca's ManComplete DNA Sequence 10. 1 guideThe ProphetComplete DNA Sequence 11. 1 guideThe VaultComplete DNA Sequence 14. 2 guidesAn Old Friend ReturnsEscape the hideout. 2 guidesMyth MakerFind the 8 statuettes in Monteriggioni. 5 guidesVitruvian ManUnlock all 20 pieces of Subject 16's video. 6 guidesStreet CleanerHide 5 dead bodies in a Bale of Hay. 9 guidesFly SwatterKick a Guard while using the Flying Machine. 3 guidesMesser SandmanStun 4 guards at once by throwing sand in their face. 12 guidesDoctorPerform an Air Assassination on a Poisoned NPC. 10 guidesNo-hitterKill 10 enemies while remaining in conflict without being hit. 19 guidesKleptomaniacPickpocket 1000 Florins. 9 guidesLightning StrikeSprint for 100 meters. 6 guidesSweeperSweep 5 guards at once by using a Long Weapon. 11 guidesVenetian GladiatorDiscover the Assassin's Tomb inside Santa Maria della Visitazione. 5 guidesI can see your house from here!Discover the Assassin's Tomb inside the Torre Grossa. 3 guidesHallowed be thy nameDiscover the Assassin's Tomb inside the Basilica di San Marco. 2 guidesPrison EscapeDiscover the Assassin's Tomb inside the Rocca di Ravaldino fortress. 2 guidesChoir BoyDiscover the Assassin's Tomb inside Santa Maria del Fiore (The Duomo). 2 guidesAssassin For HireComplete your first assassination mission for Lorenzo Il Magnifico. 3 guidesMacho ManDefend a woman's honor. 3 guidesSteal HomeWin a race against thieves! 2 guidesShow your ColorsWear the Auditore cape in each city. 3 guidesHandy ManUpgrade a building in the Stronghold. 3 guidesI like the viewSynchronize 10 View Points. 4 guidesHigh DivePerform a Leap of Faith from the Top of Florence's Giotto's Campanile. 3 guidesMailmanIntercept a Borgia Courrier. 4 guidesTip of the IcebergUse your Eagle Vision to scan a Glyph in the environment. 1 guideA Piece of the PuzzleUnlock a piece of Subject 16's video. 3 guidesArt ConnoisseurBuy a Painting from Florence and Venice. 3 guidesPodesta of MonteriggioniReach 80% of your stronghold's total value. 5 guidesPerfect HarmonyTint your clothes with those colors: Wetland Ebony and Wetland Ivory. 5 guidesIn Memory of PetruccioCollect all the Feathers. 5 guidesRed Light AddictSpend 5000 florins on Courtesans. 5 guidesMan of the PeopleToss more than 300 florins on the ground. 4 guidesVictory lies in preparationGet all Hidden Blades, Item Pouches and Armor upgrades for Ezio. 5 guides