The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 32 Offline Mode 18 Online/Offline 32 Single Player 21 Main Storyline 4 Difficulty Specific 2 Collectable 7 Cumulative + 2 Time Consuming 18 Versus 3 Time/Date 5 x3 Players Required 1 x4 Players Required 1 Story Completed Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Medium Security Jail BreakComplete the Escape from Butcher Bay campaign on normal difficulty. 3 guidesHigh Security Jail BreakComplete the Escape from Butcher Bay campaign on hard difficulty. 3 guidesChain SmokerCollect all cigarette packages. 4 guidesBell BoyComplete all side missions in Butcher Bay. 1 guideMain Frame HackFind the Butcher Bay main frame and input your DNA. 1 guideEye ShineFind Pope Joe and let him perform the eye shine surgery. 2 guidesKill Abbott.Get the opportunity to kill Abbott. 1 guideRing Fight ChampionBeat all competition in the Tower 17 ring. 1 guideControl a Riot GuardFind and control a Riot Guard. 1 guideKill a Heavy GuardFind and kill a Heavy Guard. 1 guideControl a Heavy GuardFind and control a Heavy Guard. 1 guideKill Rust.Find Rust and kill him. 1 guideMaster of AthenaComplete the Assault on Dark Athena campaign on normal difficulty. 2 guidesChampion of AthenaComplete the Assault on Dark Athena campaign on hard difficulty. 2 guidesOpen the VentsGet a Dark Athena vent tool. Stealth MasterGet through the Cargo Bay without being noticed. 2 guidesControl an Alpha DroneFind and control an Alpha Drone. 1 guideKill an Alpha DroneFind and kill an Alpha Drone. 2 guidesMelee MasterFind and beat Iron Lord. 1 guideKill SpinnerFind and kill Spinner. 2 guidesUlaksFind and equip yourself with a pair of Ulaks. 1 guideRebelStart a Riot on the Athena. 1 guideControl a MechFind and control a Mech on the Dark Athena. 1 guideEscape the AthenaFind a way out of the Athena. 2 guidesMaster of DronesComplete the Main Decks using only two drones. 1 guideHonest FightingFind and kill Jaylor in a fair fist fight. 3 guidesSCAR gunFind and equip yourself with a SCAR gun. 1 guideSniper RifleFind and equip yourself with a sniper rifle. 1 guideMargo's LockerFind and open Margo's Locker. 1 guideMiles LetterHelp Miles and transmit his message. 1 guideGabrilFind and help Gabril. 1 guideBounty HunterCollect all bounty cards. 3 guidesWinner level 1Win 10 matches. Winner level 2Win 100 matches. Winner level 3Win 1000 matches. 5 guidesBasic Weapon Handling level 1Kill 10 people. 1 guideBasic Weapon Handling level 2Kill 1000 people. 3 guidesBasic Weapon Handling level 3Kill 10,000 people. 4 guidesAdvanced Weapon HandlingProve that you can use your weapon under difficult circumstances. 2 guidesKillerGet a 4 kill long kill streak. Get a double kill. Get the first kill in a match. MurdererGet a 8 kill long kill streak. Get a triple kill. Get the last kill in a match. 2 guidesDominatorGet a 12 kill long kill streak. Get a quadruple kill. Get the first and last kill in a match. 2 guidesHeroCapture a flag. Capture a powercell. Win a round alone against at least 3 enemies. 2 guidesJuggernautKeep on going no matter what. 2 guidesUnderdogNever give up. 2 guidesSniper MasterThey'll never see it coming. 1 guideExplosive MasterBOOM! 1 guideTrigger Happy!Don't stop firing until you are sure you are out of ammo. 1 guideMelee ExpertClose and personal. 1 guideFunwreckerRuin someones day. 1 guide