Atari: Game Over Walkthrough

Written by Nomstuff Published January 25th 2015
0 - 1 hours 1 Playthrough 2 2 Discontinued
Atari: Game Over Walkthrough
Achievements in this walkthrough
Total Gamerscore
Total TrueAchievement
Estimated Time
0 to 1 hours
Playthroughs Required
Missable Achievements
Unobtainable Achievements
Online only Achievements
Contains DLC Achievements
Discuss this walkthrough here
Full Achievement Breakdown
2 of 2 are Discontinued
Games included
Gamers Involved
Nomstuff (Owner)
FullMetal (Contributor)

Please note that the details above reflect the time and playthroughs required to get all the Achievements in this walkthrough.

Atari: Game Over - Walkthrough overviewUpdate notes

Welcome to the walkthrough for Atari: Game Over. This app is a documentary about the excavation of the landfill containing all the Atari 2600 cartridges that were dumped in the 80's.

In this walkthrough, we'll show you how to get the achievements in the fastest way possible. It's a very quick completion, maybe five minutes at most.

Atari: Game Over - Story walkthrough

Once the app is booted up, press cn_A, then up on the left stick and select the first bonus scene with cn_A, "Scavengers" (don't select the "Companion App" one, that doesn't count towards the achievements). Fast forward to the end of the clip and you will earn:

Timeline Traveler

Bonus scene explored!

Timeline Traveler

Repeat the previous steps seven times, selecting a different one each time. Once you have watched them, a little tick will replace the previous icon.

The names of each bonus scenes are:

  • "Scavengers" [3:18]
  • "Getting the Gig" [0:41]
  • "Joe's Quest" [1:13]
  • "Zak and Joe" [1:22]
  • "G R R M" [0:45]
  • "Breakdown" [0:28]
  • "The Truth" [1:29]
  • "The Patch" [2:08]

Once you have watched or fast-forwarded through them all, you will unlock:

The Full Ride

Watched every bonus scene!

The Full Ride

If it doesn't unlock, then just re-watch "The Breakdown" (it's the shortest at 28 seconds) all the way through without fast-forwarding it.

Congratulations on completing the Atari: Game Over App!