Game developers and publishers pledge financial support for UkraineFollowing Russia's invasion of Ukraine, GSC Game World and other developers called on the games industry to help support Ukraine. Now, several studios and publishers have pledged financial aid to the country in a number of ways. Posted 2 years ago by Sean Carey
TA Podcast: FH3 Hot Wheels, NBA Playgrounds and Win an Xbox One GameWelcome to episode 69 (we laughed at the episode number too) of the TrueAchievements Podcast. This week we talk about Forza Horizon 3 Hot Wheels, NBA Playgrounds, loads of ID Games and much more. Posted 8 years ago by Dave Horobin
BUTCHER - First Hour of GameplayYesterday afternoon, Jack and Rich streamed the first hour of BUTCHER, the newly released platform shooter from ID@Xbox. Posted 8 years ago by Dave Horobin
ID@Xbox Releases: Week Beginning May 8th, 2017We have a larger number of titles for you this week -- seven to be exact -- including an arcade basketball experience, a fight for survival under the sea and a journey to find a cure for immortality. Posted 8 years ago by Rebecca Smith
BUTCHER AnnouncedAfter releasing BUTCHER on PC late last year, Polish developer Transhuman Design is bringing their DOOM and Quake inspired 2D shooter to consoles this year, with all the blood and violence you might expect with that title. Posted 8 years ago by Andy Mills