2. Bad North: Jotunn Edition General hints and tipsUpdate notes


  • cn_A Confirm
  • cn_B Back/Deselect
  • Dpad left and right - Select squad ability/item
  • cn_RS Move Camera
  • cn_LS Move Cursor
  • cn_RBcn_LB Select Squad
  • cn_RTcn_LT Zoom


  • Bomb - pretty self explanatory. Upgrading it will gain more uses per island.
  • Holy Grail - Revive a dead ally
  • Jabena - Allows a squad to be deployed twice per turn.
  • Mines - Can be placed on the ground and explode when enemies get near. Can be upgraded to allow 2 deployments a battle.
  • Philosopher stones - Gain coins from every island. Upgrading this will get more coins per island.
  • Ring of Command - Increase max squad size to 12 (elite archers + this = a shotgun blast) can be upgraded to 16
  • Warhammer - Hit the enemy with a warhammer.
  • War Horn - Instant reinforcements from a house. Very useful for pikes.


  • Collector - Half-price items
  • Energetic - Quicker ability cool downs
  • Fleet of Foot - Faster movement
  • Heavy Load - Gains one extra use per level on all abilities
  • Heavy Weapons - Basic attacks dealt from this squad will deal increased knock back and stun effects
  • Iron skin - Reduces damage taken for the squad
  • Mountain - A giant commander that acts like a brute. Awesome for keeping a hero alive on hard.
  • Popular - Increases maximum squad size by 1
  • Sharp Weapons - Deals increased damage
  • Skillful - Skills cost less


  • Regulars - Sword and no shield. Easily dispatched by any unit.
  • Infantry - Sword with a shield. Elite archers can kill them but otherwise archers can only distract them and make it easier for your infantry/pikes to handle. Elite archers, at point blank, can knock them off boats.
  • Archers - Bow and arrow. Easily dispatched by archers before they land. Easily dispatched by infantry/regulars on land. Will easily slaughter your pikes who can't fight while moving. Do not attack with archers on hard.
  • Brutes - Giant vikings with big swords. Use elite archers to take out from a distance and infantry/pikes if they get too close. Pikes are better for them if you can find a choke point.
  • Knights - Sword and larger shield. Not much different than infantry but they will throw a weapon when they approach you. Can mess your pikes up so stay away. It is best to kill these guys before they get off the boat, using elite archers.
  • Brute Archers - Deadly from a distance and weak up close. Role reversal for the regular brutes. Best to stay far away until they land and try to ambush them.
  • Berserker - Two swords. Kill with archers or infantry because they jump and will mess up pikes if given the chance.


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  • Positioning pikes - Don't put at the top of the stairs but one space to the side so they can hit enemies that can't hit back and possibly knock them off a ledge. This can make them almost invincible.

pincer 1

pincer 2

  • Pincer - Attack a unit from both sides

choke point

  • Choke - Place a unit in a narrow point to condense enemies.

ambush distract flank

  • Distract - Shoot arrows at shield soldiers to raise their shields and flank them. Wait till they attack a house and flank them.
  • Flank - Attack from the side

high ground

  • High ground - Essential for archers to kill other archers without fear of retaliation. Increases archer range.

drowning 1

drowning 2

  • Drowning - Shoot them off the boat with elite archers. Fastest way to kill them.


  • Replenish - Takes 9 seconds

ambush distract flank

  • Ambush - Pop around a corner when archers are close. This can keep infantry from taking damage from brutes archers.


  • Charge - The only way pikes can attack and move at the same time.
  • Plunge - Jump from up high, with infantry, on to your opponent.
  • Volley - Rain arrows down on a spot.


  • Boats that land on you will stun you unless you are moving as they land.
  • Troops will stop and fight even if you tell them to leave. Especially if melee is in range.
  • cn_RB and cn_LB also slow down time. You can use this to line up your skills/items and/or plan ahead.
  • 2 Elite archers and 2 elite infantry are your bread and butter for hard mode.
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