Retail Releases: Week of May 14th, 2012Sorry if this article is going out late for you European readers. I've been watching the Max Payne 3 launch trailer over and over... and over and over again. If the game's music is as good as the mus Posted 13 years ago by Mark Delaney
Retail Releases: Week of April 16th, 2012The biggest (though truthfully one of the few) releases this week is a former PC exclusive that now migrates its Enhanced Edition to Xbox 360. The Witcher 2 is a game that pulls no punches. It's full Posted 13 years ago by Mark Delaney
Battleship Dev Diary ReleasedNot so long ago, we brought you some screenshots for Activision's upcoming movie-tie-in title, which showed us the battleships themselves and s Posted 13 years ago by Ashley Woodcock
Battleship Screenshots ReleasedActivision have released a new set of screenshots for their upcoming movie-tie-in title, The recently released trailer was short and sweet, sh Posted 13 years ago by Ashley Woodcock
New Battleship Trailer ReleasedLast month, Activision officially revealed their upcoming first person shooter,, which will be tied-in to Universal Pictures' upcoming film of Posted 13 years ago by Ashley Woodcock
Activision Announces Battleship Movie Tie-InEvery summer sees its fair share of mega-movies and blockbusters, and often times, these movies will get their own tie-in game. We've already heard about the upcoming tie-in for http://www.trueachiev Posted 13 years ago by Mark Delaney