Bayonetta Achievements Full list of all 50 Bayonetta achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 25-30 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 50 Offline Mode 50 Single Player 14 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 16 Difficulty Specific 2 Stackable 8 Collectable 8 Cumulative + 2 Shop 7 Multiple Playthroughs Required Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply A Primer In The Magical ArtsComplete the Vestibule. Fortitudo, Bringer Of FlameDefeat Fortitudo on any difficulty. Temperantia, Manipulator Of WindDefeat Temperantia on any difficulty. Iustitia, Giver Of LifeDefeat Iustitia on any difficulty. Sapientia, Controller Of SeasDefeat Sapientia on any difficulty. Master Of The HeavensDefeat Father Balder on any difficulty. Taste Of The Witching HourComplete all Chapters on any difficulty. 1 guideChapters 1-4 (Normal)Complete Chapters 1 through 4 on Normal difficulty. Chapters 5-7 (Normal)Complete Chapters 5 through 7 on Normal difficulty. Chapters 8-11 (Normal)Complete Chapters 8 through 11 on Normal difficulty. Chapters 12-13 (Normal)Complete Chapters 12 and 13 on Normal difficulty. Chapters 14-Epilogue (Normal)Complete Chapters 14 through the Epilogue on Normal difficulty. Umbra WitchComplete all Chapters on Normal difficulty. New Testament: Ch. 1-4 (Hard)Complete Chapters 1 through 4 on Hard difficulty. New Testament: Ch. 5-7 (Hard)Complete Chapters 5 through 7 on Hard difficulty. New Testament: Ch. 8-11 (Hard)Complete Chapters 8 through 11 on Hard difficulty. New Testament: Ch. 12-13 (Hard)Complete Chapters 12 and 13 on Hard difficulty. New Testament: Close The BookComplete Chapters 14 through the Epilogue on Hard difficulty. Umbra ElderComplete all Chapters on Hard difficulty. Legendary Dark WitchComplete all Chapters on ∞ Climax difficulty. 2 guidesI'm A Bit... I Mean Witch.Execute a Torture Attack. Feels Good, Doesn't It?Execute 50 Torture Attacks. 1 guideYou Want To Touch Me?Engage Witch Time successfully 10 times. Nice TryEngage Witch Time successfully 10 times consecutively. Platinum!Earn 10 Platinum Medals. Must be earned in 10 different battles. 2 guidesDouble, Double, Toil And TroubleCreate 20 Concoctions. 1 guideTread Not So SoftlyKill an enemy by jumping on top of them. 1 guideNice And RelaxedAvert 10 enemy attacks with the Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa equipped. 2 guidesTouch And It Will HurtCounter 10 enemy attacks with the Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa equipped. 1 guideTouch And It Will REALLY HurtCounter three enemy attacks consecutively with the Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa equipped. 1 guideCome Here, Little BoyTaunt and defeat five plus angered enemies while taking no damage. Gaze of Despair may be equipped. 1 guideWicked WeaverExecute a Wicked Weave attack while using Dodge Offset. Wicked Weave MasterExecute 20 Wicked Weave attacks while using Dodge Offset. 1 guideThe Deepest CutKill 20 enemies using only Iai-Jutsu with Shuraba. (Iai-Jutsu performed by holding Y.) 1 guideHigher And HigherWhile never setting foot on the ground, grab enemies 10 times using Kulshedra. 2 guidesThe Ice WitchFreeze 20 enemies while wearing Odette. 1 guideSeeker Of MagicPurchase three new techniques. Commander Of MagicPurchase all techniques. 1 guideRecord CollectorObtain three complete Angelic Hymn Gold LPs. Record FanaticObtain seven complete Angelic Hymn Gold LPs. 2 guidesTreasure CollectorDiscover half of all the Umbra Witches' final resting places. Treasure FanaticDiscover all of the Umbra Witches' final resting places. 1 guideThe Path To The HeavensDiscover all Alfheim portals. 1 guideAngel May CryComplete half of all Alfheim portals. Angel SlayerComplete all Alfheim portals. 1 guideTruth In Its Purest FormCollect all of Antonio's notes. 1 guideNaughty TentaclesDestroy all the tentacles that drop down together during a single sequence in Chapter 9. 1 guideA Mother's LoveDefend Cereza during the out of body experience, ensuring she takes no damage. 1 guideFire The AfterburnersEarn Platinum Medals during Verse 1 and Verse 2 of Chapter 14. 2 guidesJust In The Nick Of TimeDodge the runaway streetcar during Chapter 2. 1 guide