BlackSite: Area 51 Achievements Full list of all 44 BlackSite: Area 51 achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 20-25 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox 360.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 17 Online Mode 24 Offline Mode 3 Online/Offline 27 Single Player 12 Main Storyline 3 Difficulty Specific 3 Collectable 13 Cumulative + 2 Viral 3 Buggy - 1 Buggy + 20 Versus 10 x4 Players Required 3 Story Completed Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Completed Episode 1Complete Episode 1: Iraq 1 guideCompleted Episode 2Complete Episode 2: Quarantine 1 guideCompleted Episode 3Complete Episode 3: Rachel 1 guideCompleted Episode 4Complete Episode 4: Counter Insurgency 1 guideCompleted Episode 5Complete Episode 5: Topside 1 guideCompleted Episode 6Complete Episode 6: Wrecked 1 guideThreat Level YellowComplete all episodes on Yellow (easy) difficulty 2 guidesThreat Level OrangeComplete all episodes on Orange (medium) difficulty 1 guideThreat Level RedComplete all episodes on Red (hard) difficulty 3 guidesThe Downward SporeBring down a Spore Tower 3 guidesI said Drop and Roll!Bring down a Fire Brute 1 guideBeware! Octopus Dog!Kill more than 25 Drudge using only melee 3 guidesRaptureKill more than 250 Reborn 2 guidesResearcherCollect a Dossier 2 guidesMaster DelegatorGet the squad to help you get more than 250 Focus Fire Kills 3 guidesProfessional MotivatorGet the squad to High Morale more than 20 times 2 guidesInvestigatorCollect all Dossiers 3 guidesHunterCollect 25 Dossiers 2 guidesSmall but mightyGet more than 10 head shot kills with the pistol in Campaign 1 guideMagic BulletsGet 10 kills while the M4 is equipped in Campaign 6 guidesLong distance charges may applyGet 5 kills while the Sniper Rifle is equipped in Campaign 1 guideMeatseekerGet more than 10 kills using the Antitank Launcher's target-lock in Campaign 2 guidesGeometry KillsGet 5 kills with the Scatter Gun’s bouncing projectiles in Campaign 2 guidesDodge This!Get more than 10 kills by detonating the Plasma Rifle's projectile in Campaign 2 guidesGoing for the Gusto!Get more than 100 kills with each weapon 2 guidesThe instrument of your doom!Get more than 200 kills with each weapon 3 guidesLook upon my works and despair!Get more than 400 kills with each weapon 7 guidesHome Field AdvantageHost an Xbox LIVE game of Blacksite versus (any game type) 1 guideBoot CampCompete in an Xbox LIVE game of Blacksite 2 guidesI Fear The ReaperComplete a ranked match of Deathmatch 2 guidesWe Fear The ReaperComplete a ranked match of Team Deathmatch 3 guidesProbedComplete a ranked match of Abduction 1 guide...And Justice For AllComplete a ranked match of Capture The Flag 2 guidesAround The BlockComplete a round of every Xbox LIVE Ranked Match game type 2 guidesKing Of The BlockWin a round of every Xbox LIVE Ranked Match game type 1 guideFlag FeelerCapture your first flag 1 guideFlag StealerCapture more than 25 flags 2 guidesFlag DealerCapture more than 50 flags 1 guideAlways Remember Your FirstWin your first ranked match 2 guidesSpoils of WarWin more than 25 ranked matches 1 guideVae VictusWin more than 50 ranked matches! 3 guidesThe Skulls Of The VanquishedGet over 20 kills without dying in a single Versus match! 1 guideExposedPlay in a game with a Blacksite Virus Carrier 1 guideBlacksite Virus CarrierFinish first in a ranked match containing a Blacksite Virus Carrier 1 guide