Blue Rider Achievements Here is the full list of all 32 Blue Rider achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 32 Offline Mode 32 Single Player 9 Main Storyline 3 Collectable 4 Cumulative + 3 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply First OilYou must find the first boss en Stage One, and destroy him! 1 guideBoss B DestroyedYou must find the first boss en Stage Two, and destroy him! 1 guideBoss C DestroyedYou must find the boss at the end of Stage Three, and destroy him! Boss D DestroyedYou must find the boss at the end of Stage Four, and destroy him! Boss E DestroyedYou must find the boss at the end of Stage Five, and destroy him! Boss F DestroyedYou must find the boss at the end of Stage Six, and destroy him! Boss G DestroyedYou must find the boss at the end of Stage Seven, and destroy him! Boss H DestroyedYou must find the boss at the end of Stage Eight, and destroy him! Final Boss DestroyedYou must find the final boss at the end of Stage Nine, and destroy him! Killing SpreeAchive a Rampage x10. 1 guideNiceMoveKeep untouched for one entire level. Oops!Destroy 10 enemies using mines. Fly HighRide 1000 Km over the abyss or lava. Good ScoreReach 100000 points Watch out!Destroy 25 enemies using mines. Keep DancingKeep untouched for two entire levels. High ScoreReach 175000 points. Dangerous PathDestroy 50 enemies using mines. 1 guideYou Rock!Keep untouched for three entire levels. All the relicsFind all the relics of the game. Go FastFinish the entire game in less than 90 minutes Veteran RiderFinish the game from the beginning Fast and FasterFinish the entire game in less than 60 minutes Master Scorereach 250000 points. Blue BulletsFinish the game using only the blue shot. SkirmisherDestroy all the enemies in a single game Red BulletsFinish the game using only the red shot Relics HunterFind all the relics in a single game No MissilesFinish the game without using missiles Like a BulletFinish the entire game in less than 30 minutes Master RiderFinish the game with only one life Hidden PowerFind all the Hidden Treasures of the game