Borderlands 2 Achievements Full list of all 75 Borderlands 2 achievements worth 1,875 gamerscore. It takes around 60-80 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game.The base game contains 69 achievements worth 1,625 Gamerscore, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 6 achievements worth 250 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 75 Online/Offline 74 Single Player 75 Cooperative 18 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 13 Collectable 5 Missable 5 Cumulative + 6 Level 2 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 3,719 1,625 69 4.54308,07011,603 (4%)60-80h First One's FreeHidden 1 guideDragon SlayerHidden 1 guideA Road Less TraveledHidden 1 guideNew In TownHidden 1 guideAn Old FlameHidden 1 guideNo Man Left BehindHidden 1 guideWilhelm ScreamedHidden 2 guidesSky's The LimitHidden 1 guideCan See My House From HereHidden 1 guideFarewell, Old GirlHidden 1 guideGot The Band Back TogetherHidden 1 guideIdentity TheftHidden 1 guideAn Angel's WishHidden 1 guideBombs AwayHidden Knowing Is Half The BattleHidden 1 guideCool Story, BroHidden 1 guideChallenge AcceptedComplete level 1 of all non-level-specific challenges with a single character 3 guidesGoliath, Meet DavidAllow a Goliath to level up four times before killing him 4 guidesWent Five RoundsComplete Round 5 of any Circle of Slaughter 1 guideNot Quite DeadReach level 5 1 guideBetter Than You WereReach level 10 1 guideAlways ImprovingReach level 25 1 guideCapped Out…For NowReach level 50 2 guidesArctic ExplorerDiscover all named locations in Three Horns, Tundra Express, and Frostburn Canyon 1 guideUrban ExplorerDiscover all named locations in Sanctuary, Opportunity, and Lynchwood 1 guideHighlands ExplorerDiscover all named locations in The Highlands, Thousand Cuts, and Wildlife Exploitation Preserve 1 guideBlight ExplorerDiscover all named locations in Eridium Blight, Arid Nexus, and Sawtooth Cauldron 1 guideWorld TravelerDiscover all named locations 2 guidesSugar DaddyTip Moxxi $10,000 2 guidesDecked OutHave Purple-rated gear or better equipped in every slot 2 guidesSabre RattlerKill 100 enemies with the Sabre turret 1 guidePhased and ConfusedPhaselock 100 enemies 2 guidesSo Much Blood!Gunzerk continuously for 90 seconds 2 guidesCute LootKill a Chubby 2 guidesTribute To A Vault HunterGet an item from Michael Mamaril 1 guideDefinitely An Italian PlumberKill Donkey Mong 1 guideHigh-Flying HurlerKill a flying enemy with a thrown Tediore weapon 1 guideToken GestureRedeem 25 tokens 1 guideWhat does it mean?Hidden 1 guideUnseen PredatorRemain in Zero's Deception mode for ten seconds straight 5 guidesBuild BusterKill a Constructor without it ever building another bot 1 guideWell That Was EasyHidden 3 guidesHow Do I Look?Unlock 10 customization items 1 guideThresher ThrashedHidden 1 guideFriendship RulesRevive someone from "Fight for Your Life!" that is on your friends list 1 guideBetter Than MoneyPurchase 5 items from the black market 2 guidesUp High, Down LowGive Claptrap a high five 3 guidesBounty HunterComplete 20 side missions 1 guideDid It AllComplete all side missions 2 guidesFeels Like The First TimeHidden 1 guideTreasure HunterComplete the mission "X Marks the Spot" 1 guideGadaboutDiscover all named locations in Oasis and the surrounding Pirate's Booty zones 1 guideCompletionistComplete all Pirate's Booty side missions 1 guideExplosiveComplete the mission "Long Way To The Top" 1 guideMotorheadComplete all Campaign of Carnage side missions 1 guideObsessedCollect 10 pictures of Moxxi in Campaign of Carnage 3 guidesFace OffComplete the mission "The Fall of Nakayama" 1 guideDone ThatComplete all Hammerlock's Hunt side missions 1 guideBeen ThereDiscover all named locations in Hammerlock's Hunt 1 guideI Totes Planned That BossSlay Mister Boney Pants Guy 1 guideYaaaaaayIntroduce thyself to the White Knight 1 guideShorty, You So BestComplete thy quest by rescuing yonder queen 1 guideGirl's Gotta EatFeed thy noble queen 3 times during one visit to her quarters 2 guidesIt's Like That One VideoShow thine worst enemy, the abomination known as "The Darkness," who is the nerdiest of them all 1 guideThey Was All "Hey That's Mine"Unsheath 5 swords from Immortal Skeletaurs without leaving the area 1 guideDang Girl You Ace At This GameWin the most challenging round in Murderlin's Temple 2 guidesHmmmmmWield the Mysterious Amulet 1 guideKeep Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'Demonstrate your skill, or lack thereof, at rolling the magical treasure orb of many sides 1 guideMake it RaaaaaidVanquish the Ancient Dragons of Destruction 2 guides Add-on Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary 556 250 6 4.0767,54011,736 (17%)3-4h Anyway, Here's "Firewall"Activate the Backburner's firewall. 1 guideChocolate Chip ConfirmedAllow Tiny Tina to arm the moonshot cannon. 4 guidesSpicy BoyDefeat Haderax the Invincible. 1 guideDecrypted!Defeat the Dark Web. 4 guidesPainbow ConnectionEquip effervescent-quality gear in all slots (except class mod). 4 guides3 or BustComplete the mission "Paradise Found". 1 guide