Once the opening cutscene ends, you'll be stood in the gallery as George Stobbart. The gallery owner (Henri) is dead, and you are now trying to get to the bottom of what happened here, here's what you need to do:
- Go to the left and interact with the painting, you will enter a close up
- On the top right, click on Test Button, then click on one of the Pressure Pad's
- The alarm isn't broken. Now open the Door on the left of the alarm, then examine the Cut Wire at the top
After doing this, you will get your first achievement:
- Exit the close up by pressing , examine the Door right next to you and try to enter it, then speak to the Priest
- After he has moved away from the body, examine Henri's Body
- First, pick up the Crumpled Note under his hand, then pick up the Eau de Toilette in his pocket
- Exit the close up, then speak to Laine who is on the right side of the room
- Examine Laine's Jacket
- Now take the Nail Clippers from his Jacket
- Open your inventory and use the Eau de Toilette on Laine to wake him up
- Speak to Laine, he wants something to eat
- Examine the Pizza Box to the left of where the Priest is, then pick up the Pizza Slice inside
- Use the Pizza Slice on Laine
- Speak to him again and you'll see some visual icons come up, representing things you can ask about. Ask about Henri first
- Next, ask about the Keypad
- Speak to Laine again, when the icons come up, select Cut Wire first
- Next select Nail Clippers
- Finally select Movements
- After the conversation ends, speak to Laine again, then exit the conversation and exit the Gallery through the Door behind you
Note: This is where you'll have your first Hidden Joey interaction. Make sure to always interact with him until you get no more lines of dialogue from him. Do this with BOTH Nico AND George whenever you are in control of them in this location
Also be aware, it can be annoying to interact with, so when you find the right spot, just keep pressing over it and moving the cursor slightly.
The spot is circled below in red for those that are not sure:
You should get two Joey interactions this time round. You can tell if you got a piece of dialogue, as you'll hear a robotic voice talk.
- Head to the left and a Waiter should come and stand outside the Café, talk to the Waiter
- Ask about Henri
- Doing so will then give you a new option of what to ask, next ask about Laine
- The Waiter gives you Laine's Drinks Bill
- Go back to the Gallery and speak to Laine, then ask him about Laine's Drinks Bill
Just as George goes to put in the code, the Police arrive and lockdown the Gallery. You'll now be in control of Nico.
To start off go and get you Joey interaction, there's only one this time.
- Speak to Moue who is standing by the door, then select Navet as a choice
- Ask about him a second time, and a new option will open up, ask about Tiredness
- You'll offer him a hot drink, but he will refuse. This gives you a new choice, ask about the Incident, then after, exit the conversation
- Head to the Café and you'll start a conversation with the Waiter
- When the conversation is over, open your inventory and use your Press Card on the Waiter
- Speak to him again, and select Coffee, he will fetch you a coffee
- You will now have a new option, select Takeaway Coffee
- Go back to the Gallery, then use Takeaway Coffee on Moue
Nico will convince Moue to drink the coffee. Doing so will unlock another achievement:
- Once inside talk to Navet and select CCTV
- Exit out of the conversation, then click on the Pizza Box
- Now examine the Tomato Stain on the floor to enter a close up
- Click on the Tomato Stain to get Nico to spread it out, then use your Press Card on the Chewing Gum
- Exit the close up, then speak to Navet and select Blood Stain
The Inspector is distracted long enough for George to sneak into the office. After a call with his boss, you will be in control of him again.
When you get into the office, click around the point where my cursor is in the image below. You won't see an option to interact with it, but up there is the Hidden Goat. Finding it will unlock an achievement:
- Examine the CCTV System in the top left of the room, then examine the Keypad
- You'll discover you need a different 4 digit code to the door code, exit the close up
- Examine the Calendar you'll see the discover the date May 27th is circled
- Click on the CCTV System again and enter the code 0527 on the Keypad
- In the first frame examine 'La Maledicció'
After examining the painting in the first frame, you'll unlock an achievement:
- Now examine Henri, then click on the Next Frame button below the monitor
- Press Next Frame three more times until you see the Thief about to shoot Henri, examine the Thief
- Press Next Frame again and examine the Thief again to find out what the logo on his helmet says
- Press Next Frame four more times, then exit out of the close up
- Examine the Desk to enter a close up of it, then examine the Desk Drawer
- Take the Folder, then examine it to open it up, then again to turn the page
- You'll then get Vera Security Completion Note, go into your inventory and use your Phone, then call Vera Security
- They'll hang up on you pretty much instantly, next examine the Statue, then examine the Fig Leaf
- Examine the Safe and you'll enter a close up, then examine the Keyhole
- Exit the close up, then examine the Waste Basket to the left of the desk
- Navet will now storm in, you have the option to Lie or tell the Truth, either will be fine, I personally chose Truth
- When the options appear, choose CCTV first, then choose Vera Security to end the conversation
- You'll now go to the Café and start talking to Nico, start choosing a bunch of options, mainly the Vera Security Completion Note until Nico leaves
- You'll now come to the map, select Vera Security
- Click on the Door on the left side of the screen to enter Vera Security's building
- Examine the Cockroach on the floor, then examine the Crumbs in the close up
- Now exit the close up and examine the Table on the right, then examine the Cigarette Pack
- Take the Matchbox, then use the Matchbox on the Ashtray to separate the matches from the box
- Exit the close up and examine the Cockroach again, then use the Empty Matchbox on the Crumbs
- Now exit the close up and the building, then talk to the Stallholder
- Ask about Migraine first, then ask about Neon Sign
- Exit the conversation and examine the Neon Sign, then take the Loose Wire on the left
- Exit the close up and speak to Bassam, select Bassam first, then after choose Neon Sign
- Bassam will say something that is essentially a hint as to what you should make the sign say
- Exit the conversation and examine the Neon Sign to start a minigame
In this minigame, you can only move letters to an open space on the sign
- Rearrange the letters so that all of the lit up letters spell "Aladdin"
After doing that you will get your next achievement:
- Speak to Bassam, then ask about Cockroach. He will give you a Rich Tea Biscuit
- Now exit the conversation and go back into the Vera Security building
- Examine the Cockroach again, then use your Rich Tea Biscuit on the Matchbox
- Once the Cockroach crawls inside, pick up the Matchbox
- Once she's finished talking, talk to Annette. Ask about the Gallery
- Next, mention the Vera Security Completion Note, after this just exit the conversation
- Now use your Phone to call Vera Security, then when she's distracted, turn off the Radio at the other end of the counter
- When she goes to turn the Radio back on, click on Annette's Black Book
- Speak to Annette again, then select Photo of Annette and Laine
- Next, select Vera Owner, then Henri
- Now exit the building, and exit at the bottom of the alley to go back to the world map
- Go to the Gallery
Note: Remember to get your Hidden Joey interaction, there will be one interaction for George this time
- Head to the Café, then talk to the Waiter and select Laine
- Once the conversation is over, go to the right and click on the Metro Station
- You'll arrive at Henri's apartment, use the Intercom, then mention Annette
- Next select Theft, exit the conversation and click on Henri's Apartment
- Once inside, mention the Photograph of Annette and Laine, then select Annette
- Finally, select Vera Owner
- After this, speak to Bijou and select Henri twice
- Next, select Gallery, then Theft
- Now exit the conversation, then the flat. You'll now be at Vera Security again
- Use the Box next to where Bassam's shop is
- Next, click on the Girder above you
- Now click on the Electrical Box to open it and enter a close up
- First, press the Switch on the Power Supply box
- Now use your Nail Clippers on all three blue wires, then use your Wire on the uppermost right blue wire
- Press the Switch again to open the shutter
Once the shutter is open, you'll get another achievement:
- Enter the building and open the Drawer on the left side of the room
- Take the item in the Drawer to receive a Q-Tip
- Enter the Door leading to the back room, once inside use the Safety Matches from your inventory on the Matchbox containing Cockroach
- You can use the Light Switch next to the door
- Now use the Q-Tip on the Patch of Oil on the floor
- Now interact with the Shredder by the door
- Open the Lid of the Shredder, then use your Oily Q-Tip on the Gears
- Now press the Button, this will start a puzzle
- You need to rearrange the letter to put it together again, but first, pick up the Paper Clip
Here is the finished letter (courtesy of Spilner, as I didn't take an image of it at the time of writing):
- After finishing, use the Paper Clip on the Air Vent
- Finally, examine the Air Vent
This is the end of the first half of Episode 1. Please go to the next page, where we will pick up playing as Nico, just after George has been arrested.
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