You are now in control of Nico in her apartment, and some old man has just come in about the stolen painting.
- Speak to the Elderly Man, then ask him about 'La Maledicció'
- Next, ask about Help
- Examine the bottom right photo of Badly Framed Photo, then the bottom left of Thief
- Now exit the close up
You will get your next story related achievement here:
- You'll go to your next door neighbor's apartment, examine the Door Mat, then the Floor Crack
- Use your Press Card with Chewing Gum on the Floor Crack
- Now use Apartment Key on Neighbour's Apartment
You will now leave for the Gallery. Note: There is one Hidden Joey interaction here for Nico
- Speak to Laine, then select 'La Maledicció' Owner
- Ask about the Manifest, then the Gallery, then click Yes to go into the Gallery
- When you get into the office, click on the Sofa to sit down
- You'll see the Folder you need to grab besides Laine, you need to distract him
- Speak to Laine and select Glass of Champagne
- Next, grab the Glass, then use the Champagne from your inventory on Laine
At this point you'll get your next achievement:
- Now pick up the Folder
- You'll leave the Gallery and go back to Nico's Apartment
- Once Tiago comes in and shows you the picture again, examine the Child in the photo
- Now examine the Man, then the Woman
- Finally, examine 'La Maledicció'
- Tiago will get out a Medallion, examine it
- Talk to Nico and mention Medovsky, then the Thief, then the Tattoo
- Next, ask about Waterloo Motors, then call them on your Phone and mention Waterloo Motors Helmet
- Then mention the Tattoo, you'll be given Medovsky's address
At this point, you'll get another achievement:
- You'll arrive in London, click on the Gate, then the Intercom, you'll get no answer
- Examine the Large Topiary that the Gardener is working on
- Now speak to the Gardener and select Topiary. when he asks what you think select Good
- Now select Eagle, then finally Medovsky
- When you meet Medovsky and get your first option, choose Hard
- Now ask about 'La Maledicció', then the Thief, then Henri
- Each of these opens up a new option, now choose Receipts, then Vera Security, then Restorer
- After this, ask about Vera Security again, Medovsky will leave the room for a bit after this and you'll control George again
- Examine the Cabinet on the left to enter a close up of it
- Pick up the Coin on the left, then examine the Note inside the Cabinet
- Finally, examine the Title Page of the book to take note of the date on it, then exit the close up
- Now examine the Cigarette Box on the table to enter a close up of it
- Use the Coin on the Broken Catch, then take the Key from inside the box and exit the close up
- Use the Key on the Door to the Study, then go through the Door
- Examine the Desk, then examine the Cyrillic Character
- Exit the study and examine the Typewriter in the corner of the bookcases
- Examine the row of keys, you need to enter remember the symbols associated with 1869, the date from the book
- Enter the Study again, and examine the Desk, then push the panels in the order shown below
After pushing the panels in that order, a secret drawer will open, unlocking another achievement:
- Take the Documents from the Drawer
- After this you'll be in a conversation with Medovsky, just exit the conversation
- You'll now go to Hobbs' place, examine the Letterbox by the door
- Take the Letter, then go into your inventory and examine in by pressing
- Now click on the Van Cab to enter a close up of the inside of the Van
- Take the Whiskey on the left-hand side under the dashboard, then hit the Bonnet Catch under the Steering Wheel
- Now exit the close up and examine the Van Bonnet, then examine the Horn in the bottom right
- Next, examine either of the Loose Wire's coming out of the Horn, then exit the close up
- Examine the Junk below the Van, you'll get a phone call. After, pick up the Long Wire from the Junk
- Examine the Van Bonnet again, then go into your inventory and use Nail Clippers on one of the Long Wire's you received earlier
- Use one of the Short Wire's on the Loose Wire in the bottom right
- Then use the other Short Wire on the Wiring Loom in the top left
- Finally, use the Long Wire on the Loose Wire to the left of where the first wire was placed
- Exit the close up, then click on Van Cab again, then click on the Horn
- Hobbs will now come out onto his balcony, you'll automatically speak to him, select Modelling Agency Letter
- Click on the Door to enter the Studio
- When Hobbs finishes speaking, click on the Screen on the right to go behind it
- You'll bump into an old friend, when you regain control, speak to Lady Piermont
- After she finishes speaking, click on the Thermostat
- Once all of the dialogue finishes, interact with the Stereo to your right
- When you enter the close up, use the Power Button, then the Volume Knob
- Exit the close up and hit the Lift Button upstairs, then head back downstairs and use Whiskey on the Whiskey Glass, next to Hobbs
- Next, go speak to Lady Piermont and select the Lift option
- Now go back upstairs and press the Lift Button again
After doing this, the power will go out. Hobbs will turn the power back on, then take another sip of his drink. Once he does that, you'll get another achievement:
- Now use the Lift Button again, then click on the Portfolio next to where Hobbs is painting
- Turn to the Next Page in the sketch book by clicking on the left page, do it two more times
- Take the Unusual Sketch on this page
- Hobbs will approach you and you will get into a conversation, ask about Henri
- Next, choose Soft, then ask about Medovsky
- You'll be back to the map, select the Gallery
Note: Before going inside, get the one Hidden Joey interaction in the Gallery area for George.
- Go through the Gallery Door, then speak to Laine and ask about the Provenance
- Attempt to leave through the Door
- After this, speak to Navet and ask about the Machine, then exit the conversation
- After this, go to the left side of the room and interact with the Plug
- Now go and speak to Navet again and select Machine again
- You'll enter a puzzle, you need to get all the lights to be green
- Flip the switches in the order shown below to solve the puzzle
- Once all of the lights are green, flip the Power switch
The machine is now fixed, and you'll get your next achievement:
- Once the following dialogue ends, go through the Door to the office, then examine Henri's Head on the statue
- Take Henri's Glasses, then exit the office and use the Glasses on Navet
- When the reconstruction is under way, speak to Simeon and ask about 'La Maledicció'
- Next, ask about Ouroboros, then show him Hobbs' Sketch
- An inspector will storm in and take you both for coffee, after he finishes talking, select Bijou's Apartment on the map
- When you arrive, use the Intercom, then click on Bijou's Apartment to enter
- Speak to Bijou, then ask about Song twice and exit the conversation
- Now exit the apartment and click on the exit down the street to go back to the map
- Go to Vera Security, then examine the Stall
- After, click on the Musical Greeting Cards
- Next, speak to Bassam and ask about the Song and he will give you a card
- Exit the conversation, then the street and go back to Bijou's Apartment
- Use the Intercom, then enter the building again
- Use the Musical Card on Bijou
- Now speak to Bijou and ask about the Provenance
- She wants to dance with Henri, start by taking the White Flower from him in his coffin
- Now walk back over to Bijou and examine her Dressing Table, then take the Wax Strips and exit the close up
- Go back towards to coffin and use the Wax Strips on the Stuffed Dog
- Go back to the Dressing Table and examine it again
- First, start by using the Brown Eye Shadow, then use the Waxed Dog Hairs on George's Mouth
- Now use the Glasses on George's Eyes, then use the White Flower on George's Button Hole
- Finally, use the Eau de Toilette on George's Neck
You'll automatically start dancing with Bijou, unlocking another achievement:
Bijou will give you the safe keys, then faints. You'll leave her apartment and head back to the Gallery, where you'll instantly be sucked into a conversation with Father Simeon.
- When given the options, ask about Tabula Veritatis, Cathars and Gnostics
The conversation will then end. Note: Here is your final Hidden Joey interaction for George.
If you have been following the guide so far, you should have found every Hidden Joey, so you'll get another achievement:
JoeyFound all hidden Joeys.
- Go to the Gallery Door and use Bijou's Keys on it to enter the Gallery
- Go into the office, then interact with the Fig Leaf on the statue, then click on the open drawer
- Now use Bijou's Keys on the Keyhole (the open drawer)
- Take both the Diamond Ring and the Note from the Safe, then take the Paperwork that was underneath them
- You'll now move to the desk to take a closer look, click on the Provenance twice to turn it 180 degrees
- Next, use Hobbs' Sketch on the Provenance
- You'll hear a gunshot and the door will be locked, use the Diamond Ring on the Window
After doing this, you will get another achievement:
- Enter the Gallery Door, after the small bit of dialogue, pick up the Papers in his hand
- Examine the Cover Note, then the Illustration
- Finally, examine the First Passage, Second Passage and Third Passage
- Now exit the close up, you'll have a small talk with Laine and then rush to Tiago's apartment
- In this apartment, you need to find the 10 hidden Pugs, then are shown in the picture below
After finding all 10, you'll get another achievement:
- Examine the Overturned Chair, then examine the Mess on the floor, and finally the Sofa
- Exit the close up, then examine the Blood
- After receiving some Yarn from Fleur in her shop, take the Flowers from the basket on the floor
- Examine the Boxes on the right side of the area, then take the Manneken Pis
- Now speak to Adam and ask about Adam, then select Coin
- After he leaves, examine the CD Player
- Press the Stop Button, then the Eject Button, then take the Compact Disc
- Now open the Battery Compartment and take the Battery
- Exit the close up and use the Compact Disc on the Stereo
- From your inventory, use the Battery on the Manneken Pis
- Now use the Whiskey on the Manneken Pis, then use the Manneken Pis on the Trolley
- Click on the Manneken in a Trolley to push it outside
When Moue leaves, you'll get another achievement:
- You'll be outside of Bijou's Apartment now, use the Intercom, then enter the apartment
- Speak to Bijou and mention Hobbs, then mention Hobbs' Note
- Now ask about Hobbs again, then the Provenance and finally Henri
- Ask about the three new options, Hobbs, Gallery, and Medovsky
- You'll go to Hobbs' Studio, pick up the Crowbar by the back of the Van
- Knock on the Studio Entrance, then examine the Van and press the Horn
- Now climb up the Drainpipe
- The seagull will return whilst you are climbing it, talk to Nico whilst you are still on the drainpipe
- Select Van Horn, then the seagull will fly away
- Now quickly use the Crowbar on the Crane above you
- Once inside, examine the Painting in the middle of the room
- Now use the Lift Buttons upstairs, then use the Chain from your inventory on the Lift
- Finally, go through the Balcony Door
- Click on the Phone to listen to the message, then look at the Portrait next to the door
- Next, open the Cupboard Door, then take the Cola Bottle
- Go to the right a bit to find Hobbs' dead body
- Examine Hobbs, then take the Mints from his pocket
- Exit the close up and examine the Empty Frame
- Examine the Pinboard to enter a close up
- Examine the Sketch in the bottom right, then click on Castell Dels Sants
After doing this, you'll exit the close up and get another achievement:
- Now go and use your Crowbar on the Portrait
- Mid discussion, George and Nico will realise the building is on fire, use the Mints on the Cola Bottle
- Use the Trembling Bottle on the Drip Bucket
- Now use the Crowbar on the Dust Sheet, then use your newly made Grapple and Line on the Skylight
After this is a short cinematic. This is now the end of Episode 1, and you'll get another achievement:
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