Latest Kinect Fun Labs: Build A Buddy News

Kinect Share Disabled, Takes Many Achievements With It

With almost 12 years gone since the Xbox 360 landed on the Marketplace, support and features for it are in a steady decline. Microsoft has announced that support for the Kinect Share feature has become officially disabled.

Posted 8 years ago by Kelly Packard

Vote For The Next Kinect Fun Labs Gadget

At E3, Microsoft revealed Kinect Fun Labs, a one stop shop to get hold of the latest Kinect innovations directly from the game industry and Kinect users. Four gadgets were launched with Kinect Fun La

Posted 14 years ago by Dave Horobin

E3 2011: Introducing Kinect Fun Labs

If you watched the Microsoft conference, it would be fair to say that it was quite heavily focused on Kinect. A new feature announced today was Kinect Fun Labs, bringing all the best Kinect innovatio

Posted 14 years ago by Dave Horobin

Latest Kinect Fun Labs: Build A Buddy Screenshots

Kinect Fun Labs: Build A Buddy Screenshot 1Kinect Fun Labs: Build A Buddy Screenshot 2Kinect Fun Labs: Build A Buddy Screenshot 3