Call of Duty: Black Ops Achievements Full list of all 71 Call of Duty: Black Ops achievements worth 1,700 gamerscore.The base game contains 50 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there are 4 DLC packs containing 21 achievements worth 700 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 4 Online Mode 40 Offline Mode 27 Online/Offline 63 Single Player 17 Main Storyline 7 Difficulty Specific 4 Stackable 1 Collectable 2 Cumulative + 2 Buggy - 9 Shop 2 Buggy + 1 Level 29 Cooperative 2 Versus 1 External Content 2 Time/Date 1 x4 Players Required 1 x6 Players Required 1 Story Completed Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 1,894 1,000 50 4.03568,43323,033 (4%)30-35h Death to DictatorsTake down Castro with a headshot. 6 guidesSacrificeEnsure your squad escapes safely from Cuba. 3 guidesVehicular SlaughterDestroy all enemies on vehicles during the prison break. 10 guidesSlingshot KidDestroy all slingshot targets in 3 attempts. 7 guidesGive me libertyEscape Vorkuta. 2 guidesVIPReceive orders from Lancer. 5 guidesA safer placeSabotage the Soviet space program. 3 guidesTough EconomyUse no more than 6 TOW guided missiles to destroy the tanks in the defense of Khe Sanh. 7 guidesLooks don't countBreak the siege in the battle of Khe Sanh. 3 guidesRaining PainRack up a body count of 20 NVA using air support in Hue City. 3 guidesThe Dragon WithinKill 10 NVA with Dragon's Breath rounds. 4 guidesSOG RulesRetrieve the dossier and the defector from Hue City. 3 guidesHeavy HandUse the Grim Reaper to destroy the MG emplacement. 4 guidesUp close and personalSilently take out 3 VC. 4 guidesDouble TroubleUse only dual wield weapons to escape Kowloon. 5 guidesBroken EnglishEscape Kowloon. 1 guideLord NelsonDestroy all targets and structures while making your way up the river. 5 guidesNever get off the boatFind the Soviet connection in Laos. 2 guidesPathfinderGuide the squad through the Soviet outpost without them getting killed. 3 guidesMr. Black OPEnter the Soviet relay station undetected. 6 guidesWith extreme prejudiceGet to the POW compound in the Hind using only rockets. 5 guidesRussian bar-b-qIncinerate 10 enemies with the flamethrower attachment in the POW compound. 3 guidesLight FootEscape the ship with 2:15 left on the timer in Veteran. 7 guidesSome wounds never healEscape the Past. 1 guideI hate monkeysKill 7 monkeys in under 10 seconds in the Rebirth labs. 7 guidesNo LeaksMake it through the NOVA 6 gas without dying on Rebirth Island. 6 guidesClarityCrack the code. 2 guidesDouble WhammyDestroy both helicopters with one Valkyrie rocket from the deck of the ship. 12 guidesStand DownComplete the campaign on any difficulty. 3 guidesBLACK OP MASTERComplete the campaign on Hardened or Veteran difficulty. 10 guidesFrag MasterKill 5 enemies with a single frag grenade in the campaign. 9 guidesSally Likes BloodDemonstrate killer economic sensibilities by taking down 3 enemies with a single bullet. 20 guidesUnconventional WarfareUse the explosive bolts to kill 30 enemies in the campaign. 6 guidesCold WarriorComplete "Operation 40," "Vorkuta," and "Executive Order" on Veteran difficulty. 4 guidesDown and DirtyComplete "SOG" and "The Defector" on Veteran difficulty. 2 guidesIt's your funeralComplete "Numbers," "Project Nova," and "Victor Charlie" on Veteran difficulty. 3 guidesNot TodayComplete "Crash Site," "WMD," and "Payback" on Veteran difficulty. 2 guidesBurn NoticeComplete "Rebirth" and "Redemption" on Veteran difficulty. 3 guidesCloser AnalysisFind all the hidden intel. 4 guidesDate NightWatch a film or clip with a friend. 4 guidesIn The MoneyFinish 5 Wager Matches "in the money." 9 guidesReady For DeploymentReach rank 10 in Combat Training. 5 guidesThe CollectorBuy every weapon off the walls in a single Zombies game. 18 guidesSee Me, Stab Me, Heal MeFire a Pack-a-Punched Ballistic Knife at a downed ally to revive them from a distance. 8 guidesHands Off the MerchandiseKill the Pentagon thief before it can steal your load-out. 17 guidesSacrificial LambShoot at or be shot by an ally with a Pack-a-Punch crossbow and kill six zombies with the explosion. 22 guides"Insert Coin"Access the terminal and battle the forces of the Cosmic Silverback in Dead Ops Arcade. 14 guidesEasy RhinoIn Dead Ops Arcade, use a Speed Boost to blast through 20 or more enemies at one time. 9 guidesJust ask me nicelyBreak free from the torture chair. 11 guidesEaten by a GruePlay Zork on the terminal. 10 guides Add-on First Strike Map Pack 278 150 4 3.99141,40046,388 (33%)2-3h The eagle has landersIn Ascension, escape on all 3 lunar landers. 4 guidesThey are going THROUGH!In Ascension, kill at least 5 zombies with 1 Gersh Device. 5 guidesSpace RaceIn Ascension, Pack-a-Punch a weapon by round 8. 12 guidesChimp on the barbieIn Ascension, kill a space monkey with a fire trap. 8 guides Add-on Escalation Map Pack 324 150 5 4.0968,49519,327 (28%)6-8h Stand-inIn Call of the Dead, send the crew to Paradise in solo or co-op. 1 guideEnsemble CastIn Call of the Dead, send the crew to Paradise in co-op. 10 guidesStuntmanIn Call of the Dead, make a zombie explode using the V-R11. 5 guidesShooting on LocationIn Call of the Dead, kill 10 zombies with one Scavenger shot from over 100 feet away. 20 guidesQuiet on the SetIn Call of the Dead, cut the lights on the Director. 13 guides Add-on Annihilation Map Pack 368 150 5 3.9397,26518,476 (19%)4-5h Time Travel Will TellIn Shangri-La, acquire the focusing stone. 9 guidesBlinded By the FrightIn Shangri-La, kill a Shrieker zombie while blinded by it. 4 guidesZomb DisposalIn Shangri-La, dispose of a Napalm zombie without it harming any players. 6 guidesMonkey See, Monkey Don'tIn Shangri-La, get something from the monkeys. 4 guidesSmall ConsolationIn Shangri-La, use the 31-79 JGb215 on each type of zombie. 6 guides Add-on Rezurrection Map Pack 671 250 7 4.2773,78111,160 (15%)6-8h Cryogenic Slumber PartyIn Moon, complete Richtofen's grand scheme. 7 guidesOne Small Hack for a Man...In Moon, hack something. 7 guidesOne Giant LeapIn Moon, become trapped in the Receiving Area and free yourself through resurrection in co-op. 9 guidesPerks in Spaaaaace!In Moon, purchase every perk in one game. 9 guidesFully Armed and OperationalIn Moon, acquire 3 pack-a-punched weapons at the same time. 13 guidesGround ControlIn Moon, prevent each excavator from breaching the base in one game. 11 guidesBig Bang TheoryIn Moon, gain sweet, sweet, revenge. 9 guides