Carcassonne (WP) Server Closure changes
by TrueAchievement
Carcassonne (WP) Multi-Genre Discussion
For those of you who have not finished the game and no longer have it installed
by segagamer
Is online multiplayer still possible?
by Senior Chupon
Carcassonne (WP) Meets Its Maker
by punkyliar
Full Version returns to Trial Version...
by X3nomorph83
Games and point count saved online?
by Erickson187
Red Stripe Deals: April 17th, 2014
WP Red Stripe Deal: January 30th, 2014
Looking for players to boost the 6-player online achievement
by coip
Windows Phone 7 Releases October 24th, 2012
by litepink
Carcassonne (WP) Release Date Finally Confirmed
by kbgray27
Microsoft Announces More Windows Phone Games