Casey Powell Lacrosse 16 Achievements Here is the full list of all 35 Casey Powell Lacrosse 16 achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 6 Offline Mode 27 Online/Offline 33 Single Player 26 Versus 2 Main Storyline 1 Difficulty Specific 10 Cumulative + 3 Level 2 Time Consuming 2 Discontinued Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply ArcherCleanly win a face off. Shut OutPrevent the opposition from scoring in a game. 1 guideRange FinderScore a goal from over 30 yards. 1 guidePoster BoyHit the post with a shot. 1 guideMedicScore while a man down. 1 guideAll Over It!Win a game on All American difficulty. 1 guideHat Trick HeroScore three goals in a game with one player. Double LacrosseScore a goal after faking out the goalie. 1 guideOver PossessiveScore a goal without the opposition touching the ball. 1 guideChaingangScore a goal after linking 20 passes in the attacking half. 1 guideShowmanScore a goal with all shot types in a single game. 1 guideBack ScratcherScore 10 goals with behind the back shots. 1 guideCheckmateSteal the ball 50 times with a stick check. 1 guidePoleaxedScore 50 goals with a long stick. 2 guidesWell TravelledWin a game at every stadium. Peak Performer IReach User Level 5. Peak Performer IIReach User Level 20. Peak Performer IIIReach User Level 50. TKOKnock over 50 players with body checks. Pike PositionScore 50 goals with diving shots. 1 guide...and ReLAXWin 100 games. Pass MasterComplete 1000 passes in any game mode. Net BusterScore 1000 goals in any game mode. ChallengerComplete all three challenges in a casual game. Going to PlanComplete all game objectives in a career game. Pro SelectionGet drafted by a Pro League team. 1 guideAll AmericanGet drafted to play in an All Star game in career mode. Star ManWin game MVP 10 times as a player in career. Initial SuccessReach the tournament finals series in career mode. Company ManComplete a season objective in career mode. 1 guideCoaching LegendWin 5 Championships (College or Pro). Championship PedigreeHave your character win a Pro Championship as a player and then as a coach. PrometheusCreate a character in the Academy. 1 guideCommunity WorkerCreate and share a team in the Academy. 1 guideCredit Where Credit's DueDefeat the Big Ant team then view the entire credits sequence. 2 guides