Latest Castle Crashers Remastered News

New Xbox walkthroughs published in March 2023

New Xbox walkthroughs published in March 2023

March saw another 16 new Xbox walkthroughs produced by the TrueAchievements community... check out all the latest full game guides here to see if there's anything that could help you with your next completion!

Posted 1 year ago by Robbie Andrews

XBL Content Roundup: September 9th, 2015 Pre-Orders Transformers: Devastation Size: 11.4 GB Price: US$49.99 / £39.99 / €49.99 / AU$49.95 Release date: October 6th in North America and

Posted 10 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Castle Crashers Remastered Release Dated

In June, developer The Behemoth announced that it would be releasing a remastered version of its classic Xbox 360 action title, Castle Crashers on Xbox One later this year. Today, the developer has c

Posted 10 years ago by Keith Gray

Castle Crashers Remastered Announced

At the Xbox One briefing, Microsoft announced that Castle Crashers will be remastered and rereleased on the Xbox One. According to The Behemoth, the developers behind the action-adventure, the new ga

Posted 10 years ago by Fierce

ID@Xbox Titles Shown Off in E3 2015 Montage

At their E3 conference, Microsoft have continued their now-annual tradition of showing off the latest and greatest ID@Xbox titles set to grace the Xbox One sometime soon. This year's montage features

Posted 10 years ago by Ellis Spice

Latest Castle Crashers Remastered Screenshots

Castle Crashers Remastered Screenshot 1Castle Crashers Remastered Screenshot 2Castle Crashers Remastered Screenshot 3Castle Crashers Remastered Screenshot 4Castle Crashers Remastered Screenshot 5Castle Crashers Remastered Screenshot 6Castle Crashers Remastered Screenshot 7Castle Crashers Remastered Screenshot 8