Latest Champion Jockey G1 Jockey & Gallop Racer News

Retail DLC Roundup: October 18th, 2011

This week, we have six titles bringing you new DLC, although one is region exclusive. From achievements to an oft-controversial online pass, we have quite the variety in extra content this week. Batm

Posted 14 years ago by Michelle Balsan

Retail DLC Roundup: October 11th, 2011

This week sees eight games releasing DLC, but two are currently region exclusive. We do have two games with DLC that has achievements though. Here is the full list for this week with download links i

Posted 14 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Retail DLC Roundup: October 4th, 2011 [UPDATED]

Edit: Arriving a day late we have DLC for a seventh game, but again it doesn't carry achievements and is exclusive to Europe. Arcana Heart 3 • "Arcana Heart 3: Additional Character Colours for All 23

Posted 14 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Retail DLC Roundup: September 27th, 2011 [UPDATED]

Edit: Arriving a day late we have DLC for a sixth game, but again it doesn't carry achievements. These are the pre-order packs for Deus Ex: Human Revolution that have since been released onto the mar

Posted 14 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Retail DLC Roundup: September 20th, 2011 [UPDATED]

This week sees a bumper amount of DLC released for retail games. Seven games have released DLC, although only one contains achievements. We also have some previously Gold member exclusive DLC becomin

Posted 14 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Retail DLC Roundup: September 6th, 2011

The results of last week's vote saw 70% of you vote in favour of the retail DLC to be published on Tuesday and the XBLA and Games for Windows LIVE DLC to be published separately on the Wednesday. As

Posted 14 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Champion Jockey: G1 Jockey & Gallop Racer Screens

If there is one thing that Tecmo KOEI are good at doing, it is releasing plenty of screenshots before the release of a game. They did it with Dynasty Warriors 7,

Posted 14 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Champion Jockey: G1 Jockey & Gallop Racer Detailed

When I mention that Tecmo KOEI has announced their new game for the Xbox 360, the majority of you would assume that we're talking about another Dynasty Warriors title, or something with a similar sty

Posted 14 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Latest Champion Jockey G1 Jockey & Gallop Racer Screenshots

Champion Jockey G1 Jockey & Gallop Racer Screenshot 1Champion Jockey G1 Jockey & Gallop Racer Screenshot 2Champion Jockey G1 Jockey & Gallop Racer Screenshot 3Champion Jockey G1 Jockey & Gallop Racer Screenshot 4Champion Jockey G1 Jockey & Gallop Racer Screenshot 5Champion Jockey G1 Jockey & Gallop Racer Screenshot 6Champion Jockey G1 Jockey & Gallop Racer Screenshot 7Champion Jockey G1 Jockey & Gallop Racer Screenshot 8