Chariot Achievements Full list of all 46 Chariot achievements worth 1,200 gamerscore. It takes around 60-80 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game on Xbox One.The base game contains 36 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 10 achievements worth 200 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 46 Offline Mode 44 Single Player 45 Cooperative 8 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 18 Collectable 1 Cumulative + 4 Level 8 Shop 7 Time/Date 1 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 11,975 1,000 36 388,257121 (0%)60-80h Might Come In HandyUnlock a gadget. 1 guideA Walk in the ParkFind the Verdant Burrows sepulcher. 1 guideRide Towards the LightFind the Luminous Abyss sepulcher. 1 guideHave an Ice DayFind the Crystal Chasm sepulcher. 1 guideGoing DownFind the Obsidian Pits sepulcher. 1 guideJust DesertsFind the Sandstone Ruins sepulcher. 2 guidesBreaker of DreamsFind the hidden level. 2 guidesWrong WayFind a different entrance than the one you came in through. 3 guidesA Ropeless SituationReach any exit of Woodland Vestibule without using the rope. 3 guidesQuiet, Your MajestyReach any exit of the Hive without alerting any looters. 3 guidesNever Not SlidingReach any exit of the Crystal Castle without anchoring or winding the rope. 4 guidesNo Second ChancesReach any exit of Molten River without respawning. 2 guidesUnbreakableReach the exit of the hidden level with no gadget equipped. 1 guideFully EquippedUnlock all gadgets. 2 guidesMaster CraftsmanFully upgrade a gadget. 1 guideFirst-Class RideFully upgrade the Chariot. Deceased Parcel ServiceDeliver a Chariot blueprint crate to its destination. 1 guideRoyal DeliveryDeliver all Chariot blueprint crates to their destination. SpelunkerCompletely reveal the map of a level. 1 guideRoyal CartographerCompletely reveal the map of all levels. 1 guideOff the Beaten PathFind an alternate exit. 2 guidesPathfinderFind all alternate exits. 2 guidesStrange SouvenirsFind all three skulls in any level. 1 guideFamily ReunionFind all three skulls in every level. 1 guideRookie CharioteerObtain a bronze medal or better in a speed run. 1 guideSeasoned CharioteerObtain a bronze medal or better in every speed run. 1 guideRising StarObtain a gold medal in a speed run. 1 guideGreased LightningObtain a gold medal in every speed run. 6 guidesTool-UnassistedObtain a gold medal in a speed run with no gadget equipped. 2 guidesAir to the ThroneGet 12 seconds of air time with the Chariot. 3 guidesSpendthriftSpend 500,000 loot. 1 guideThe Royal WheeReach maximum speed with the Chariot. 2 guidesLooterpediaEncounter a looter of each type. 1 guideOnly the LonelyLocate and obtain the largest type of blue jewel without a second player. 2 guidesHoneymoonPlay a level from beginning to end with a second player. 1 guideRest in Peace AlreadyReach 100% completion. 1 guide Add-on The Royal Gadget Pack 1,130 200 10 2.77975115 (12%)4-5h That's the PlanFind all standard and royal gadget blueprints 1 guideOff to Adventure and All That!Complete a level with the Shopkeeper 1 guideUnbankableReach the exit of the hidden level with every single piece of loot in the Chariot 1 guideNot All It’s Cracked Up To BeGo swimming in lava pool and emerge unscathed 1 guideBreak EverythingFinish the Chasm Crossing speed run within 70 seconds 1 guideHalf of Zero is Still ZeroUse the Slowdown while the Stasis Field is active 1 guideAll AboardHave 20 looters looting the Chariot at the same time 1 guideHad You Worried ThereWarp an off-screen Chariot with less than a second to spare 1 guideGroundedUse the Omni Boots to withstand 10 Flipper flips 1 guideRoyal SamplerTry out all three versions of the Royal Arms 1 guide