Chef's Tail Walkthrough

Written by Fox Andokai Published December 12th 2022
5 - 6 hours 1 Playthrough 10
Chef's Tail Walkthrough
Achievements in this walkthrough
Total Gamerscore
Total TrueAchievement
Estimated Time
5 to 6 hours
Playthroughs Required
Missable Achievements
Unobtainable Achievements
Online only Achievements
Contains DLC Achievements
Discuss this walkthrough here
Full Achievement Breakdown
Offline Mode
10 of 10 are Offline Mode
Single Player
10 of 10 are Single Player
3 of 3 are Shop
Main Storyline
3 of 3 are Main Storyline
Story Completed
1 of 1 is a Story Completed
Games included
Gamers Involved
Fox Andokai
Fox Andokai (Owner)
DynamicWolfNLD (Overseer)

Please note that the details above reflect the time and playthroughs required to get all the Achievements in this walkthrough.

Chef's Tail - Walkthrough overviewUpdate notes

Hello and welcome to my Walkthrough for “Chefs Tail”! It’s a cute game about a cat in the underworld serving dishes for the lost souls there. There is not much to explain because the game is very straight forward with no missable achievements. Sometimes you have to wait and hope to make progress before you can go along. We will have to do this when we want new quests and they don’t trigger automatically.

Chef's Tail - General hints and tips

Sadly, this game can be glitchy at some points where you should get recipes but they don’t pop up, or you simply get stuck. If this happens you could try restarting, but on my own experience I had to replay the whole game. I played it again, following my own walkthrough and I got the Achievements on my second account. Maybe its luck, but I would recommend following my guide. When you have all the ingredients for a recipe and it doesn't pop up, it means the recipe is glitched and you won’t get it anymore. When you don’t get a Heart Quest, just sell things or go to sleep. Some of them can take a while.

With cn_RT and a cursor you can move your Cat with point and click. To talk with the people you just need to click on them and keep pressing cn_A for the dialogue. If you get your storage, you need to press cn_start to exit this window. Also, you have to place your ingredients in the chest before you can use them to cook.

You can find four recipes in the city. They will look like a scroll and you can pick them up by clicking on them (Apple Pie, Trout, Pancakes and Blueberry Bread).

There are two types of quests. Normal quests which will be shown on the right side of you screen and Heart Quests. Heart Quests are not really visible, they are needed to level up the Merchants to unlock new things to buy like ingredients, learning to catch new fishes, cooking stuff and seeds. When you click on a merchant you can see a window with a bar of hearts. When a heart is beating you will know that there is a new quest and you can talk to the souls floating around to know what the person needs.

Because of the glitches we will postpone the farming to the end of the game, which will be needed to collect all Accessories and all Skins.

Chef's Tail - Story walkthrough

You will start the game next to Charon who will later teach you how to catch the different fishes. But first, collect the scroll above the tree. This is the #1 Trout Recipe. Now follow the tutorial and the shining light to the Oracle. She is also a merchant and will sell you cooking stuff later. Right now she wants you to make a fruit salad. Follow the tutorial and after that you should get:


Cook the first dish


Afterwards, you can go to sleep and then you should get a quest where you should go talk to Basil. He is at the beginning of the town next to a red-looking soul. Talk to him. He wants you to find his seeds which are on the rooftop. Click above him on the ledge and follow around the corner to the left. There you can see the seeds and if you look to the right, near some pots you should see a scroll for #2 Blueberry Bread Recipe. After collecting the seeds and the recipe you can head back to Basil. If you are going back to your shop, look right and go down until you reach a bench. Under the bench is #3 Apple Pie Recipe. This gives you:


Find an apple pie recipe


A new quest should pop up. If not, just go to sleep. Charon wants you to teach how to fish. Go to the boatman from the beginning and talk to him and go near the water where you can press cn_Y to start a minigame-looking part. You have to press cn_RT at the right moment to catch the fish. Show him the fish and that’s it for now. Go to the Oracle. She should have a heart quest for you. If it triggers, you will see the beating heart on the little window, start talking to the souls around you until one will talk about a fruit salad. You already know how to make fruit salad so go and get the ingredients and make the fruit salad to return to the Oracle. Now you can buy new cooking stuff which we will need later. For now you can just go to sleep.

You should get a quest for Basil, talk to him and he wants you to check the plants. Just follow the glowing light and return to him. While doing these you can see a little alley across from the accessories shopkeeper where you can find the #4 Pancake Recipe. This was the last scroll we needed to find. After you finished Basil's quest, go to bed.

Now you should get a new Oracle quest. Talk with Raynold and go to the fountain in front of your shop to talk to the shy costumer. It’s a soul named Elizabeth. Talk with Raynold again and go to sleep until you get another Oracle quest.

She wants a Lemon Cake (Lemon, Flour, Milk). We will get the milk unlocked after we complete another heart quest for Raynold. Talk to Raynold and check if his heart is beating. If not, go to bed and check again, keep repeating this until Raynold's heart is beating. The Souls will tell you that he wants bread (flour) which we can buy for him. While heading back to our shop buy the baking cray from the Oracle. Make bread for Raynold and the next hearth quest we will do is for Basil.

Try it until the heart beats and ask the souls until they say that Basil wants a cinnamon roll (cinnamon, flour). You can buy both from Raynold. You can also buy milk for the lemon cake. The recipe should pop up if you have all the ingredients: Lemon, flour and milk. If you made the lemon cake, you'll unlock:

Pastry Chef

Make a lemon cake for Oracle

Pastry Chef

Also make the cinnamon roll for Basil and give the lemon cake to the Oracle. The Oracle wants us to deliver the cake, so we go again on the rooftop where we found the Blueberry Bread Recipe before. There is a Soul. Click on it. Then talk with the Oracle again and go to sleep.

Now talk with the Oracle until you get the next Heart Quest. You have to make banana mousse (banana, milk). You can buy both ingredients from Raynold and you should get the recipe after buying these. Bring the banana mousse back to the Oracle and go to sleep until you get a new quest.

Next we want to do a quest for Charon. He wants us to find his friend. Go into the city and walk past the Accessories Merchant, passed the alley, and head right. There will be a soul. Click on the soul and head back to Charon. We want to learn how to catch a trout and have to do a heart quest first. If he doesn’t have one, just sleep until he has one. After that talk to the Souls who tell us that he wants a Trout. But not the normal fish. We have to cook the recipe with rosemary and a trout. For rosemary seeds, talk to Basil and buy one. Next to our shop is a pot where we can plant some. Catch some trout if you haven’t got one or go to sleep so the rosemary will grow faster. After planting the rosemary, you'll unlock:

Garden Cat

Resurrect a plant

Garden Cat

Also, buy a frying pan from the Oracle. Cook the trout and bring it back to Charon. Next heart quest we want is from Raynold. Talk to the souls until they talk about baked potatoes (garlic, potato, rosemary). Buy both seeds from Basil, plant them and go to sleep. Harvest the garlic and the potato and the recipe should pop up. Ignore the upcoming Quest. On most of my tries my game glitched on the baked potato recipe because it didn’t pop up. If you don’t get the recipe you can try to reload the game, but I had to replay all again. Bring the baked potato to Raynold and talk to Basil.

For Basil, we have to make eel salad (Eel, potato, Lettuce). Buy eel and lettuce from Raynold and you should get the eel salad recipe. Make it and bring it to Basil. Then go to sleep and it should trigger a new quest for Raynold.

Go to Raynold and he wants you to bring him 6 rosemary string. You can harvest 6 from your plant and give it to him. After that we want a Heart Quest from him. Talk to the Souls who will tell us that he wants Ratatouille (Tomato, potato, carrot, garlic). The recipe will pop up if you have all ingredients. Maybe Basil wants apple pie first. Luckily we got the recipe and can make him one. It’s also a Heart Quest so talk to our friends the souls.

Again a heart quest for Basil. He wants cauliflower soup (Cauliflower, milk, potato). The recipe will also pop up. Buy a pot from the Oracle and you can cook the Cauliflower soup. Then go to sleep.

Talk to the Oracle for a new quest. We should make onion soup (Onion, potato, cheese). This recipe will also pop up. Bring it to her and go to sleep.

Now we do the last heart quest for the Oracle, pancakes (Milk, flour and strawberries). Make it and after returning we get:

Such a Nice Kitty

All the hearts of the Oracle

Such a Nice Kitty

Head to Charon until he wants us to catch a Bass. It’s a Heart Quest so talk to the ghost and catch one after we know what Charon wants, Bass (Smallmouth Bass, garlic and Potato). Bring it to Charon and now we can catch a carp. This was also bugged for me on my first playthrough, but not for my second account. I made sure I already got tomatoes and carrots in my storage before catching the carp. The ghost will say that Charon wants a Carp but he actually wants a Fried Carp (Carp, Potato and Carrot). The recipe should pop up after catching the carp.

For me, Charon needs a while before I can proceed and get another Hearth Quest. Don’t worry; just sell some dishes or sleep and talk to him every day until his heart is beating.

When we give Charon the fried carp we are finally able to catch a Catfish for the spicy catfish recipe (Catfish, chili and tomato). Again, the recipe will automatically pop up. Bring the spicy catfish to the Oracle and go to sleep for the final Quests. Talk to the Oracle and then to Charon and then the Oracle again. We have to find out Basil's favorite meal. I talked to him and some ghosts and the Quest popped up. Talk with the Oracle and Raynold, who will tell you that his favorite meal is ratatouille. We already know how to make it and we get the:


Prepare Ratatouille for Basil


Next, we only have the farming achievements left.


You can do this at any time but I preferred doing this in a new game. For this, I started a new game and played until I was able to catch my first fish and bought rosemary. With these two you can cook the Trout and don't have to spent any coins, except for the rosemary seeds. It’s easier on the beginning because you can only catch trout. Just farm them and buy all the stuff from the two merchants. They will look different than the other souls, so you can’t miss them.

If you buy one accessory you will get:

Cat walk

Buy accessorie

Cat walk

For buying all accessories you'll get:


Buy all accessories


Same for the skins. One skin gives you:

Buying all skins gives you:

Congrats on your completion