Chivalry 2 Achievements Full list of all 41 Chivalry 2 achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 40-50 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 1 Online Mode 40 Online/Offline 40 Single Player 41 Versus 33 Cumulative + 1 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Kill 10 EnemiesKill 10 Enemies in a Multiplayer match. 2 guidesKill 50 EnemiesKill 50 Enemies in a Multiplayer match. 2 guidesKill 100 EnemiesKill 100 Enemies in a Multiplayer match. 2 guidesKill 250 EnemiesKill 250 Enemies in a Multiplayer match. 2 guidesKill 500 EnemiesKill 500 Enemies in a Multiplayer match. 1 guideKill 1000 EnemiesKill 1000 Enemies in a Multiplayer match. 1 guideKill 1500 EnemiesKill 1500 Enemies in a Multiplayer match. 1 guideKill 2000 EnemiesKill 2000 Enemies in a Multiplayer match. 2 guidesWin as Agatha 10 timesWin as Agatha 10 times 1 guideWin as Mason 10 timesWin as Mason 10 times 2 guidesWin Dark Forest 5 timesWin Dark Forest 5 times 1 guideWin Dark Forest 10 timesWin Dark Forest 10 times 1 guideWin Dark Forest 25 timesWin Dark Forest 25 times 2 guidesWin Coxwell 5 timesWin Coxwell 5 times 1 guideWin Coxwell 10 timesWin Coxwell 10 times 1 guideWin Coxwell 25 timesWin Coxwell 25 times 4 guidesWin Lionspire 5 timesWin Lionspire 5 times 1 guideWin Lionspire 10 timesWin Lionspire 10 times 1 guideWin Lionspire 25 timesWin Lionspire 25 times 2 guidesWin Rudhelm Siege 5 timesWin Rudhelm Siege 5 times 1 guideWin Rudhelm Siege 10 timesWin Rudhelm Siege 10 times 1 guideWin Rudhelm Siege 25 timesWin Rudhelm Siege 25 times 1 guideWhat Do We Say To the God of Death?Bandage yourself 3 times in one life 2 guidesI got better!Get revived from a downed state 1 guideNight KnightGet 10 unarmed kills 3 guidesBaker's DozenKill 13 enemies with bread 4 guidesBring Out The Big GunsGet 50 kills with siege weapons 2 guidesThe Things I Do For LoveMake an enemy fall to their death 1 guideBrave Brave Sir RobinGet 50 kills in one match 2 guidesBattle Of The BastardsKill an enemy wielding a bastard sword, with a bastard sword 1 guideYadomeDeflect 100 projectiles 3 guidesThe CountSuccessfully counter 200 attacks 2 guidesFight In The ShadeFire 1000 arrows 2 guidesThis Is FineDie from fire 2 guidesDeus VultAchieve 100 kills as Knight 2 guidesFeet on the GroundAchieve 100 kills as Footman 1 guideAvant-GardeAchieve 100 kills as Vanguard 1 guidePlaying the wrong gameAchieve 100 kills as Archer 1 guideField MedicRevive 10 downed teammates 1 guideSeeing RedAchieve 2 kills in a row without dying while under 25 health 1 guideLong Range MenaceKill an enemy with a projectile from over 100 meters 4 guides