Citadel: Forged With Fire Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 Citadel: Forged With Fire achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 50 Online/Offline 50 Single Player 1 Cooperative 33 Cumulative + 6 Level Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Apprentice CrafterPlace your first crafting bench Clearing the PackKill 20 Wolves Bear-ly AliveKill 20 Bears Missiles Incoming!Kill 10 Sprites Mmm BaconKill 20 Boars TouristDiscover 4 Towers My Land!Place your First Throne Sticking TogetherStart or Join a House Well DressedCraft 10 Clothing Items Well ArmedCraft 10 Weapons Pocket Full of FloraPick Up 250 Items 1 guideYou’re an EnchanterAchieve Level 10 You’re a MageAchieve Level 20 You’re a MagicianAchieve Level 30 You’re a SorcererAchieve Level 40 You’re a WarlockAchieve Level 50 Yer a Wizard, Larry!Achieve Level 60 LumberjackHarvest 1000 Wood Swinging HammerHarvest 1000 Stone Jewels for Everyone!Harvest 250 Precious Stones Bring the RuneHarvest 1000 Mana Rune ShelteredBuild 50 Wood wall, floors, or roofs Claiming the LandKill 30 Orcs Seen the Giant Up CloseKill 20 Trolls Scaling the HeightsKill 20 Dragons Nothing Left BehindDiscover 20 loot chests Tame your DragonTame a Large Dragon 1 guideMaster Builder!Unlock all structure packs 1 guideForagerPick Up 1000 Items Fired up!Mount a Phoenix 1 guideMythical RiderMount a Unicorn Sky MarshallFly for 4 hours (gameplay time) Well TailoredCraft 50 Clothing Items Mythical MakerCraft 50 Weapons Don’t BlinkKill 30 Death Weavers Land of the LivingKill 50 Undead Clearing the SkiesKill 20 Eagles Dangerous ProfessionTame a Demon You’re a Tamer!Tame an Infernal Dragon Build Build BuildBuild 50 stone walls, floors, and roofs King Midas TouchCraft 500 Gold Ingots Iron WillCraft 1000 Iron Ingots Expert Potion MakerCraft 1000 Mana Potions 1 guideExpert MedicCraft 1000 Health Potions 1 guideGet Your Imp OnKill 50 Imps Michelangelo IncarnateBuild 100 Ornate or Marble Walls, Floors, and Roofs Divine CrusadeKill 666 Demons Infernal CrusadeKill 100 Infernal Dragons You’re a ScavengerPick Up 10,000 Items Cursed SoulKill 100 Unicorns