10. Cities: Skylines One-Off/OtherUpdate notes

Unpopular Mayor

Start a small city and get a few people to move in by providing water, power, sewer, and some jobs (industrial zone). Then take away their water power and jobs (de-zone the industrial). Wait a few minutes and get:

Unpopular Mayor

Have 15% happiness

Unpopular Mayor


Now it's time to wait, you need to play through 1001 in game nights, at max speed that is about 150 hours. The game will run slightly faster on an empty map, so just start a new city and wait:

1001 Nights

Experience 1001 nights in the game

1001 Nights

If you also turn on dynamic weather you will also get these pretty quickly:

Foggy Weather

Experience fog

Foggy Weather
Singing In The

Experience Rain

Singing In The
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