14. Cities: Skylines Green Cities DLCUpdate notes

This DLC will be very quick to complete.

Load a city you have handy. I would recommend a smaller city that has reached at least big town size (offices, crematoriums, etc). You will also want to have around a million cash on hand. You can get by with less, but being able to run a big deficit for a bit will speed things up.

You might immediately get an achievement, depending on your energy mix, if not we will come back to it later:

Green Energy

Produce all electricity without using raw materials.

Green Energy

To start, put all of your city in a district and set the zoning specializations to: Forestry (industrial), IT-Cluster (office), Organic/Local Produce (Commercial), Self-Sufficient Housing (residential).

Wait a while and all of your existing building will be torn down and new ones will be built in the new specialization. If you wanted to do it more gradually, you could start with your custom district small and slowly grow it as each section is rebuilt.

Once you have all of the old buildings gone and at least one new building built in the appropriate zone you will get:

I To The T

Have all office zone in your city be specialized IT-Cluster.

I To The T
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.
Super Self-Sufficient

Have all residential zone in your city be specialized Self-Sufficient Housing.

Super Self-Sufficient
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

Have all commercial zone in your city be specialized Organic and Local Produce.

Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.
Greenest City

Have no polluting industry in your city, only Office Zone and specialized zones.

Greenest City

While you are waiting for this to happen build a community school, institute of creative arts, and modern technology institute (total $132,000) for:

Friendly Teaching

Build one of each eco-friendly schools: Community School, Institute of Creative Arts and Modern Tech

Friendly Teaching

If you are missing green energy, one option is to quickly destroy any coal/oil or similar power plants (which you probably didn't have to begin with if you followed this walkthrough). Another option is to start a new city, build a road, and then build a wind power plant. Bam, you're done.

Green Energy

Produce all electricity without using raw materials.

Green Energy
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