17. Cities: Skylines Campus DLCUpdate notes

I continued with my existing city, however I did clear away the industry areas from the last expansion. I had about 220k-230k populations.

I made the following changes:

  1. Turn off the Hadron Collider. (I tried just turning off the university boost, but it didn't seem to work, although it could have been one of the other steps that did the trick.) Also you may need to wait a bit for eligible students to appear, as they seem to have to age through legitimate elementary and high school to be ready.
  2. Turn off any standard universities.
  3. You should also keep an eye on the capacities of your elementary/high school system, so you can keep plenty of people feeding into the university campuses. In my city these deficiencies had been concealed by the fact that the hadron collider had made them obsolete, and the city continued to grow and I didn't build any more. To rectify this I spaced some additional ones around the edges to make sure I had more than enough capacity. Keep in mind the capacity you need will fluctuate as students age into high school.

If you built your campuses prior to doing the above you may need to turn the admin building off and back on again. I tried to spread my campuses out around the city, to minimize travel time. I placed one on the E side, one on the W side and one on the N. You will need a decent amount of space, and many of the buildings are pretty big (larger than your standard 1x2 block areas). You can either use larger blocks in your university district, or just place the larger buildings around the perimiter.

You will need to upgrade them through 5 levels:

W=Academic Works

  1. Unrecognized: you start here
  2. Recognized: 2W, 500S, 200A
  3. Renowned: 4W, 800S, 450A
  4. Acclaimed: 8W, 1200S, 900A
  5. Prestigious: 16W, 1800S, 1800A

Academic works will be the slowest (especially if your city is large to begin with). You can speed these up by doing a funding grant every year and maxing out the extra academic staff. You have a certain chance one for every 500 students (max 4/year). Maxing out the staff and some buildings you can build later will increase this chance. So even best case with 5/year (4 from students+1 from a grant) you will need at least 4 years to hit 16.
The staff and grants aren't mandatory, but if you have the funds they will speed things up. Unfortunately there is no other way to boost this until you get to level 4.

In level 1, I built for each of the 3 types:

  • 1 Admin building
  • 4 dormitories
  • 1 Study Hall
  • 3 Clubs (Not 100% required, but I wanted to have the attractiveness ready to upgrade to level 3 in case I was lucky and ended up with 4+ works.
  • 1 Groundskeeping
  • 1 Sub-School

You'll get

Student Housing Project

Build 10 Dormitories on campuses.

Student Housing Project

At this point you will mostly just need to wait for academic years to pass so you can finish academic works and level them up.

In level 2, I built for each campus:

  • 1 Outdoor Study
  • 1 Gymnasium
  • 1 Cafeteria
  • 1 Fountain

If you need more academic works you may need to wait another year here.

In Level 3, I built in each:

  • 1 Library
  • 1 Commencement Office
  • 1 Statue
  • 1 Level 3 Club (Math/IT/Art)
  • 1 Level 3 School (Environmental Studies/Tourism & Travel/Medicine)

You will likely get this soon, now that your capacities are 6k or so on each campus:

Education Nation

Have 15 000 students studying on campuses at the same time.

Education Nation
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Cumulative - - These achievements are obtained by repeatedly performing the same action or set of actions over time, but progress can diminish

If you don't you can:

  1. enlarge your population
  2. make sure you have adequate elementary/high schools to prepare people for university
  3. turn off all of your universities for a few years to build up a backlog, then turn them back on.

You will definitely need to wait a year here. You should have enough attractiveness and students at this point. If you are low on students, you may just need a bigger city or more high school educated people. If you are low on attractiveness, the level 1 clubs are the easiest way to boost it.
In Level 4, I built in each:

  • 1 Auditorium
  • 1 Laboratory
  • 1 Bookstore

Here you need 8 more works for level 5 so will likely need to wait two years.
You will also likely need another 600 or so attractiveness, so build a bunch of level 1 clubs to achieve that.

Once you hit level 5, you get:

Distinguished Academics

Have one campus reach "Prestigious" in reputation.

Distinguished Academics
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

Then build in each:

  • 1 Media Lab
  • 1 Level 5 club (Dance/Beach Volleyball/Chess)
  • 1 Level 5 statue
  • 1 Level 5 school (Economics/Engineering/Science)

This will get you:

Higher Learning

Build all Campus Area types with all of their respective campus buildings and faculties.

Higher Learning
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Shop - These achievements require the purchase of an item or a series of items from a shop.

I am not 100% certain if the museums are required. I built them, and it didn't pop, and then realized I had missed one of the level 5 statues.

Now you can just wait a few years for 100 works (you will be about halfway there once you hit level 5) to get:

Academic Scholar

Create 100 academic works.

Academic Scholar
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Cumulative + - These achievements are obtained by repeatedly performing the same action or set of actions over time.Shop - These achievements require the purchase of an item or a series of items from a shop.

And build all 5 sports arenas on whatever campus you have room for them to get:

Varsity Sports Patron

Build all five varsity sports arenas on one campus in one city.

Varsity Sports Patron
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Shop - These achievements require the purchase of an item or a series of items from a shop.

This one was a little troulesome. I'm not sure what was actually necessary, but I turned off all campus level policies, as well as the city wide education boost, and turned ON "For-Profit Education" (city-wide) and it finally popped:

For For-Profit Education!

Have one campus area with more than 5000 students and all upkeep costs covered by tuition fees.

For For-Profit Education!
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Cumulative - - These achievements are obtained by repeatedly performing the same action or set of actions over time, but progress can diminish
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