18. Cities: Skylines Sunset HarborUpdate notes

I recommend reading through the whole page for this DLC, as almost all of these you will want to let it sit idle for, so you may as well have them all progressing at the same time.

Let's start with the trickiest one. I built a metro Airport, international airport, train station, and inter-city bus depot in a small area with the aviation club and moved the space elevator there. I also put a sightseeing bus there and put stops at each of those locations. For policies, I turned on "Tourist Travel Card" under Services, and "Airplane Tours" and "Boost Connections" under City planning. I was able to top 60 by a fair margin almost immediately. NB: I used double lane roads here as the space elevator in particular will turn this area into a traffic nightmare. You may also want to make sure that the intercity bus depot and trains are on the opposite side of the street from the space elevator to help to equalize the traffic a bit.

Aviation Picture

Come Fly With Me!

Have 60 tourists visit the Aviation Club during one week.

Come Fly With Me!

Now just build Bus-Intercity Bus, Bus-Metro, Metro-Intercity Bus, Train-Metro, Metropolitan Airport (which you already have). You can sell the ones you don't want once the achievement pops.

Multidisciplinary Transport Tycoon

Build Metro-Intercity Bus, Bus-Intercity Bus, Train-Metro, Metropolitan Airport, and Bus-Metro Hubs

Multidisciplinary Transport Tycoon
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Shop - These achievements require the purchase of an item or a series of items from a shop.

Build a trolleybus line around your new air travel area and drop a helicopter stop and depot there. Then place another helicopter stop around each section of your city. For the trolley's route put stops at the helicopter stop, each end of the international airport, the metro airport, the space elevator, the intercity bus and the train station. If some are very close together they can share a stop, it will depend on your exact layout. Then put a second route serving the other side of the street. Now connect your helicopter stops with a helicopter route (I just did a big circle around the outside of the city). Then build two routes, going in opposite directions. I specifically did NOT connect the metro airport to my helicopter network or add a stop there because I wanted to force people to take the trolleybus to the helicopter stop. You can also tweak the number of vehicles on each route if people are piling up at stops, and if that isn't enough you can boost your funding. I had vehicle count at 500% on one route with maxed funding, which gave me 22 vehicles

If you want to boost your helicopter travel, you can add the stop at the airport. If you want to boost your trolleybus traffic, you can replace the tram service in one or more of your sections with trolleybuses, but it's kind of a big hassle, since you need to change all the roads back to plain roads, then to trolleybus roads, then rebuild your routes.

Each week takes about a minute, and I was seeing a bit over 125 passengers in my helicopters and 250 in my trolleybuses, so you will be looking at probably 2-3 hours (2-3 in game years) of letting it idle if you are close to those numbers.


Transport 35 000 citizens in trolleybuses.

Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Cumulative + - These achievements are obtained by repeatedly performing the same action or set of actions over time.
World of Rotorcraft

Transport 15 000 citizens in passenger helicopters.

World of Rotorcraft
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Cumulative + - These achievements are obtained by repeatedly performing the same action or set of actions over time.

While they do their thing you can get your fisheries set up so they can do their thing too. The fish farms take up much less space and will reach the goals a LOT faster than the wild. I would recommend something like 10 wild and 2 farms at least. Once your farms are done, you can sell them and put in more wild. Once you unlock them, you can use whatever specialized fishing dock is appropriate as they will catch the fish more quickly. You will probably need to leave it running overnight to finish up the wild fish portion though.


Farm 5 000 000 units of fish and sea plants.

Fisher King

Catch 10 000 000 units of fish.

Fisher King
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Cumulative + - These achievements are obtained by repeatedly performing the same action or set of actions over time.

Finally, build as many inland water treatment plants as you feel like, the more you do the faster it will complete.

The Waters of Our Lives

Treat 20 000 000 m3 of waste water using the Inland Water Treatment Plants.

The Waters of Our Lives
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Cumulative + - These achievements are obtained by repeatedly performing the same action or set of actions over time.
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