20. Cities: Skylines Plazas & Promenades DLCUpdate notes

This one will be quick and easy for once

I'm assuming you are continuing with the existing city from earlier in this walkthrough.

This first one won't be a keeper, so save beforehand.
Go to the pedestrian area tab and paint a zone over your entire city. Then place a small pedestrian area service point (under Pedestrian Zones/Pedestrian Areas) somewhere in it. Then use the inspector to view that access point, go to pedestrian policies and select "Deliver Everything." Wait a little bit and you should unlock the small garbage service point (same section as the general service point). Place five of these around the pedestrian section of your city. Wait a couple of in game weeks and you should see them start to fill up. If they aren't filling up quickly enough, you may also want to lower your sanitation funding so there will be more work for the collection points. You can also destroy some of your incinerators or landfills to put more strain on the service areas. You may also want to add some cargo service points sprinkled throughout the pedestrian area to keep everything humming (and creating garbage).

Garbage Collection Issues

Have 5 garbage service points reach their capacity limit.

Garbage Collection Issues

Then find (or make) some empty space in your pedestrian zone and build ten ice cream stand plazas (under Pedestrian Area Plazas subsection).

The Sweetest City

Build 10 ice cream stand plazas in one pedestrian area.

The Sweetest City
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Cumulative + - These achievements are obtained by repeatedly performing the same action or set of actions over time.

Find an area with a little space on the edge of your city. Build 3 pedestrian area service points, along the edge, with an empty block in between each. Make sure each has power and water. Then Build a U shaped section of the small sandstone pedestrian street around each one, making a mini-block.

Focused 1

Then build another very long block past each of those. Construction cost on the long sides shoud be $1200.

Focused 1

Go back to the pedestrian district painter and extend the area around each access point to include your new blocks. It should look something like this:

Focused 1

Then zone one each as residential, commercial, and office (and unpause the game if it's paused).

Focused 1

Very Focused

Have one pedestrian area focused on residential, one in commercial, and one in workplace zones.

Very Focused
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

You are done, until the next DLC!

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