I'm going to assume money is not an issue. To unlock 5 star hotels you need to reach a series of weekly income and popularity targets.
I started with a few budget hotels at rank 1, four or five should be enough. It should be pretty easy to get their popularity to 85-90% by placing them near the border of a business/shopping area, then you can get an easy 20 points from sightseeing by placing one of the smaller unique statues near it. You can put 3 or 4 hotels near each statue and set their prices at maximum. I eventually ended up making five areas like this around my city. I didn't worry too much about nature, as it will be high enough without it, and the later hotels of this type don't require any nature at all.
Once you've unlocked rank 2 (at $1000/wk) I would recommend replacing them with small hotels. I was able to easily surpass the $5k/week profit target by building 9 of these, each making about $600-$700 in profit. You'll probably unlock very accomodating by now, or in the very near future:
Once you hit rank 3 (at $5k/wk), replace your small hotels with city hotels. Tweak their positioning and try to keep their popularity over 90%. Doing this with the same 9 hotels should be asy as they were making just over $2k each..
To reach rank 4 you need $15k per week, which unlocks conference hotels (the 4 star equivalent of the city hotels). You could upgrade to these if you want, but they are much bigger and harder to fit into your city. They also make hardly any additional money per guest, so I skipped building these and just built more city hotels by adding a couple more statues near office/shopping areas. I ended up with 21 hotels around 6 areas.
Reaching $40k/week will unlocking the last tier of 5 star hotels. First, focus on getting one with a decent popularity, while will be harder as they require a LOT of business activity. They are quite big and will probably require you to break up a block to make an area large enough to hold it. I was able to get it to the low 90s by plunking it down in the middle of a business area with a little shopping and placing a unique statue nearby. You may want to save before removing streets and placing it so you can try a few different spots to hit that 90%+ target. Then get rid of any other hotels in the immediate area. Crank the cost up and leave it that way until the number of guests stabilizes. Then lower it all the way to the minimum. After a few weeks you will hopefully hit max occupancy (650) as long as your popularity is around 90%. If you are having trouble accomplishing that, holding an event at the hotel (I did fan convention) seems to push the occupancy way way up. Mine made it to an occupancy of 950+ (out of 650, don't tell the fire marshals).
Once you pop
Fully Booked!Have the maximum number of guests stay at any 5-star hotel.

you can go ahead and set a more reasonable rate at the hotel.
Now just run 3 events. While you can do this in your one hotel, that will take about 300 in game days (each one takes about 100 days). But, assuming there is no shortage of cash, you can build two more 5 star hotels on the edge of your city. The extra ones don't have to be very popular, so just stick them somewhere you have room and start an events in each
When all 3 events have finished you will get:
And once again, you are done with this game!
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