8. Cities: Skylines Unlocking BuildingsUpdate notes

There are 45 buildings you need to unlock. There are 12 that are specific to european maps that you can skip. You can also skip any DLC specific buildings. Building unlocks are saved on your profile, they are not specific to any particular city or save game. You can even unlock them while using the unlimited money option. (It will void achievements in that city, but it will still unlock the buildings.)


These buildings should all be completed already from what you have done so far

  • Stadium: City produces a total of 1,000 units of goods.
  • Statue of Liberty: City produces a total of 5,000 units of goods.
  • Fountain of Life and Death: Requires one full lifetime spent in a city.
  • Science Center: Requires 5,000 full lifespans lived in the city.
  • Brandenburg Gate: 10,000 full lifespans lived in the city.
  • Plaza of the Dead: Requires 3 full Cemeteries.
  • Grand Central Terminal: Fill 7 instances of Cemetery.
  • Statue of Wealth: Requires $500,000.
  • Transport Tower: Requires 1,000 weekly passengers.
  • Friendly Neighborhood Park: Requires 10,000 squares of residential zone.
  • Tax Office: Requires electricity production of 1,000 MW.
  • Colossal Order Offices: Requires education at $20,000/week for 10 weeks.
  • Business Park: Requires 20,000 squares of commercial zone.
  • Official Park: Requires 10,000 squares of office zone.
  • Expo Center: Requires 2,000 tourists.
  • Aquarium: Requires 5,000 children in elementary schools.
  • MAM Modern Art Museum: Requires 50% of population highly educated.
  • Arc de Triomphe: 15,000 children in elementary schools.
  • Statue of Industry: Requires 10,000 squares of industrial zone.
  • Eiffel Tower: 30,000 squares of industrial zone built.


These will either mess up your city or waste money, so save your game, accomplish a few, then reload, the buildings will stay unlocked.

  • Purchasing: For these you just need to buy certain things and place them in your city, super easy if you have enough money (which you should). Just build whatever is needed, make sure it has power/water/etc and that it registers the building as complete before going back to your previous save files.
    • Luxury Hotel: Construct International Airport.
    • Zoo: Construct Fishing Pier and Riding Stable.
    • Grand Mall: Requires Airport.
    • Sea and Sky Scraper: Requires Cargo Harbor and Passenger Harbor.
    • Theater of Wonders: Requires 3 Universities.
    • Servicing Services Office: Requires 300 city service buildings. (Build a bunch of water towers in the boonies.)
    • High Interest Tower: Requires you to have $2,000 in debt (Not technically purchasing, but just take out the largest loan, then pay it back.)
    • Grand Library: Requires 7 Universities for 10 weeks. (Build 7 universities and wait 10 weeks)
  • Specialized Zoning: These require specialized zoning, create a district over the appropriate base zone type then switch it to the appropriate type. You will need to wait a while in game for the zone to actually populate enough. Since each column is 2,300, I would have your zones cover at least 4 columns of the appropriate type to speed things along. It is fine if they cover other unrelated base zone type.
    • Casino: 5,000 squares of leisure specialization built. This also unlocks:
    • Driving Range: 5,000 squares of tourism specialization built. This also unlocks:
    • Opera House: Requires extraction of a total of 3,000 units of natural resources. (For this one, go to the Natural Resources info view and find some forest land. There should be plenty around your South and north grids. Change the industry there to forestry specialization and wait a little bit.)
  • Other: These are generally a little more disruptive, you can probably do more than one at a time, unless their requirements conflict.
    • Fantastic Fountain: 500 people transported using taxi. (Build a taxi depot near each grid and wait a while.)
    • Mall of Moderation: Requires average garbage piling per building of at least 25. (Turn off all your incinerators and dumps and wait.)
    • Posh Mall: Requires all tax rates at most 4% for 20 weeks. (Cut your taxes to 4% across the board and wait for 20 weeks. You should be fine as long as you have a few million. You can even run out of money, just keep refusing the bailout.)
    • Court House: Requires crime rate over 50% for 5 weeks. (Shut off all the police stations and wait. You may want to keep this run going longer to get Tough City. Once you get the court house unlocked you can ease off a little, as the achievement only requires 40%. Take a look at that section of the walkthrough for details.
    • Oppression Office: Requires unemployment over 50% for 5 weeks. (Max out commercial, office and industrial taxes, then wait. If this doesn’t get you to 1000 abandoned buildings (see bwloe) you can max out your residential taxes too once you finish the unemployment requirement.
    • Observatory: Requires 1,000 abandoned buildings for 5 weeks. (Max out your tax rates and wait.)
    • Lazaret Plaza: Requires 3 weeks of <20% citizen health (Turn off all of your medical buildings, destroy your sewage drains/water treatment plants and put a few sewer drains upstream of your pumps.)
    • Cathedral of Plentitude: Requires construction of all city service buildings. (They need to have power & water as well to be safe.)
      • You should already have these:
        • Wind turbine
        • Advanced turbine
        • Nuclear Power Plant
        • Water Pump
        • Water Treatment Plant
        • Incinerator
        • Clinic
        • Crematorium
        • Fire Station
        • Police Station
        • Elementary School
        • High School
        • University
        • Bus Depot
        • Metro Station
        • Cargo Train Station
        • Cargo Harbor
      • You probably need to build these:
        • Coal Power Plant
        • Oil Power Plant
        • Solar Power Plant
        • Water Tower
        • Sewage Pipe
        • Landfill
        • Hospital
        • Cemetary
        • Fire House
        • Police Headquarters
        • Passenger Train Station
        • Passenger Harbor
        • Airport
  • One Off: This one will be in a separate map, because it's a lot easier with a small city (or really no city at all).
    • Statue of Shopping: Be at exactly $1 in debt. (Start a new game and build a little bit of road, you want your weekly upkeep to be under $15 ideally so you don’t skip over -1. Keep buying and scrapping the most expensive thing you can afford, until you can’t do it anymore. (You lose a little bit of money each time.) Then raise your road budget to 150% and wait. As you get close to $0 lower it to 50% so it goes down more slowly.)

Now that you have all the buildings unlock, temporarily delete all the DLC, and start a new city on a non-European map. The achievement should unlock as soon as the city finishes loading up.

I Want It All

Unlock every single building in the game

I Want It All
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Cumulative + - These achievements are obtained by repeatedly performing the same action or set of actions over time.Shop - These achievements require the purchase of an item or a series of items from a shop.
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