9. Cities: Skylines Main City: Monuments & MiscUpdate notes


Now that we've unlocked all the buildings, you will need to build one of each non-DLC building in levels 1-6. They should be the 1st five in each group. You don't need to build the ones under Landmarks, Tourism & Leisure, or Football. The total cost will be about $2 million. You will then need another 4.8 to build all five monuments. At this point in the game I had $20 million so that was no issue. You can destroy the "normal" unique buildings once you build the monuments, but you should keep the monuments around. Their upkeep will be hefty (about $55k total per week). But one of them (the fusion plant) will let you turn off your power plants (which were costing me $25k a week), so the actual cost will be much lower. If you want to have more of a buffer, make sure you've converted back to an office based (rather than industry based) zoning strategy and you should have no problem with it. The placement is not super important. They do provide huge land value boosts, but everything is pretty high anyway, so you can just space them around your edges (make sure you give them power and water though). The fusion plant you may as well put by your other power plants (and turn them off or bulldoze them).

This will unlock:

A Huge Hadron

Build the Hadron Collider Monument

A Huge Hadron
Beam Me Up

Build the Space Elevator Monument

Beam Me Up

Build the Medical Center Monument

Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Shop - These achievements require the purchase of an item or a series of items from a shop.
New Eden

Build the Eden Project Monument

New Eden
Short Fuse

Build the Fusion Power Plant Monument

Short Fuse
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Shop - These achievements require the purchase of an item or a series of items from a shop.


The hadron collider's huge boost to education will give you:

Higher Education

Have over 70% of citizens highly educated in a city of over 10,000 people

Higher Education
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Shop - These achievements require the purchase of an item or a series of items from a shop.

If you are still shy, make sure you have education funding maxed out and the education boost policy on.

The others will all push your happiness well over 95% for:

Happy Town

Have more than 95% city happiness for 5 years

Happy Town
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Shop - These achievements require the purchase of an item or a series of items from a shop.

It is your total happiness that matters, and everything except commercial should be 99%+ with commercial in the mid 80s.

While you wait for this, you can get a few tax related ones that require waiting.

Lower your residential tax rates so they are at least 6% below industrial and then wait for a full year to pass in game (takes about an hour at full speed).

Power to the People

Have the industry tax rate over 5% higher than either residential tax rate for one year

Power to the People

Then make your industry at least 6% below both residential rates, and wait another year.

Make Them Pay

Have both residential tax rates over 5% higher than industry for one year

Make Them Pay


Use the district creation tool to create a bunch of tiny districts, little circles are just fine, but they do need to be separate. You need 10, I would make a few more than you need to be on the safe side.

City Planner

Use the district tool to draw 3 districts

City Planner

Now use the inspector, then hold down Y and select the district inspection mode. Click on a district then press right twice on the D pad, followed by A to set policies for that district. Your need 10 districts with UNIQUE policies, so just pick one policy you aren't using to add to each district. Just pick a different one to turn on for each. They can be from any tab.


Apply a policy to a district you created


Have more than 10 districts with unique policies


Tough City

Turn off all of your police stations as well as the prison, your crime should shoot up. Once it gets above 40% (I would keep it at 41% or higher to be safe, as the achievement does say OVER 40) you need to keep it that way for 4 years. One problem is that people will start to leave if it gets TOO bad, and less people means less crime. You can try turning a single police station back on if you want to keep it a little bit in check (but probably turn the funding way down). Be careful not to overcorrect, as there can be a lag between turning the police station on/off and it having an impact on your crime stats. You might turn it on at 50, then back off at 45, but your crime rate may keep going down for the next month to 39%, meaning you need to start the 4 months over again. I'd recommend saving every couple months, in at least two different slots. That way you can go back to an earlier save if you get in a situation where you dip under 40%. After 4 years of this:

Tough City

Have the city survive a crime rate of over 40% for 2 years

Tough City
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