Coffin Dodgers Walkthrough

Written by LifeExpectancy Published May 11th 2016
3 - 4 hours 2 Playthroughs 22
Coffin Dodgers Walkthrough
Achievements in this walkthrough
Total Gamerscore
Total TrueAchievement
Estimated Time
3 to 4 hours
Playthroughs Required
Missable Achievements
Unobtainable Achievements
Online only Achievements
Contains DLC Achievements
Discuss this walkthrough here
Full Achievement Breakdown
Offline Mode
22 of 22 are Offline Mode
Single Player
22 of 22 are Single Player
12 of 12 are Versus
Cumulative +
8 of 8 are Cumulative +
3 of 3 are Shop
Story Completed
1 of 1 is a Story Completed
Main Storyline
1 of 1 is a Main Storyline
Multiple Playthroughs Required
1 of 1 is a Multiple Playthroughs Required
Buggy -
1 of 1 is a Buggy -
1 of 1 is a Collectable
Games included
Gamers Involved
LifeExpectancy (Owner)
UnsungGhost (Overseer)

Please note that the details above reflect the time and playthroughs required to get all the Achievements in this walkthrough.

Coffin Dodgers - Walkthrough overviewUpdate notes


Hello and welcome to the TrueAchievements walkthrough for Coffin Dodgers! This is a kart racer, in the vein of games like Mario Kart, although far less polished. It's quite a simple completion, merely requiring two full playthroughs of the story mode and some extra grinding to purchase all upgrades for your Kart, followed by a quick mop-up in split-screen versus for any missed powerup achievements.

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The environments are quite busy, leading to a lot of visual clutter on-screen as you're zipping through hairpin turns. Fortunately, it's easy enough to get and keep the lead once your kart is upgraded that you shouldn't have any issues at all getting gold medals on your 2nd playthrough. There won't be a hints/tips pages, as there are only a few very minor things to keep in mind.

  • Don't worry about trying to get all golds on your first playthrough. You should be able to get gold on the first six races (three races in each of the first two areas) fairly easily, but the 3rd and 4th areas might be tough to get 1st place. Just focus on placing high enough each race to continue to the next one. Basically, don't come in below the Death character on the race standings.
  • Focus on top-speed and handling upgrades first. The acceleration upgrade is largely irrelevant except at the very beginning of the race. After speed and handling, the upgrade to carry an additional powerup is quite handy.
  • If you're in 1st place, just get rid of any powerups you may get that aren't the bubble shield or the EMP blast. The EMP is handy if an opponent is about to pass, and the shield obviously helps keep you from getting zapped by the person in 2nd. Oil slicks are fine, and should be placed in narrower areas of the track to increase the likelihood that the computer opponents will hit them. The rocket and machine gun are completely worthless when in 1st, so get rid of them asap.
  • Lastly, although this should be obvious, use cn_A to activate your powerups when ready to use them.

Coffin Dodgers - Story walkthrough

Story Walkthrough

My apologies in advance for those used to my more thorough walkthroughs, but this game does not lend itself to that style. Apart from the miscellaneous/mop-up section, it's going to look more like a roadmap than a walkthrough, but such is the nature of this game's achievements. Most of them will be earned merely by going through story mode twice and getting gold medals on all stages. The rest will be the mop-up.

After winning your first race, you'll unlock Grimaced.


Win your first race.

Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Versus - These achievements can be obtained by two or more players in a face off gamemode who have met the achievement requirements.

After winning two or three races, you should have enough coins to buy your first upgrade. Upgrade your engine to increase your top speed and you will unlock My Kart Is Augmented.

Make sure to hit Try Again if you don't win the first six races. After winning the first three (The Village), you'll unlock Death Defier, and after three more (The Town) you'll get Death Derider.

Death Defier

Get gold in all races in the village.

Death Defier
Death Derider

Get gold in all races in the town.

Death Derider

Once you reach the three races on The Farm, you should periodically see a UFO fly over the track with a beam under it. Run into the beam to get spun out and unlock Batteries Not Included.

Batteries not Included

Get taken out by a UFO laser.

Batteries not Included

Although it isn't necessary since you'll be doing a 2nd playthrough as Death anyway, it's actually quite easy to get 1st place in the final race of the game in the Showdown area. Doing so will unlock Death Decider, but don't worry if you fail as you should easily accomplish this in your 2nd playthrough as Death after a few more upgrades.

Death Decider

Get gold in all races in the showdown.

Death Decider
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

Completing the final race will also unlock One Foot In The Grave, as well as unlocking the Death racer for your 2nd playthrough.

One Foot in the Grave

Complete story mode.

One Foot in the Grave

Now that you've finished the story mode, the Death character is unlocked. Start a new story mode using Death as your racer. Make sure to get gold on all the races in the first two areas again even though you already have, as the gold medal gets you more points for upgrades. Once you reach the 3rd and 4th areas, you should have upgraded your kart enough to get gold on all of those this time as well. Also, once you purchase the final upgrade in any of the categories (with the paint category being the easiest, as there is only one upgrade to buy in it), you'll unlock We Can Rebuild Him.

We Can Rebuild Him

Fully upgrade a single kart aspect.

We Can Rebuild Him

Make sure on this playthrough to get all 1st place finishes in The Farm and The Graveyard areas. If you don't win a race, hit Try Again. There is no way to replay races after you finish without going all the way back through story mode again. You'll get the following two achievements for winning all three races in those two areas.

Death Despiser

Get gold in all races in the farm.

Death Despiser
Death Defiler

Get gold in all races in the graveyard.

Death Defiler

Finally, at the end of this playthrough you'll unlock:

6 Feet Under

Complete story mode as The Grim Reaper.

6 Feet Under

For the final story mode achievement, you'll need to grind out a race to earn enough tokens for the remaining upgrades. The good thing is, finishing a race in 1st gets you the tokens for winning, but still allows you to replay that race via the Try Again option and keep the tokens. So the quickest way to finish your upgrades is to start a new game again and keep replaying one of the first few races (whichever one you feel you can win the easiest). Before starting the race ,go to the garage and count how many tokens you need to purchase all of the remaining upgrades, then just keep using Try Again on that race until you have enough. Once you do, finish it out and go to the garage to purchase the remaining upgrades for the Million Dollar Granddad achievement.

Million Dollar Granddad

Fully upgrade your kart.

Million Dollar Granddad


You may have unlocked many of the following achievements while doing the story mode. For those that you haven't, they can be grinded against a 2nd controller in split-screen. Just load up 2-player split screen against a 2nd controller. Most of the weapons ones will be done in Free Roam mode. Use the rocket launcher and uzi against the 2nd controller 20 times each, making sure to run over the opponent before they respawn back in their kart to get During the War if you haven't already. Make sure you hit them with the Uzi until they crash/explode, otherwise it doesn't count. Also, make sure anytime you get the shield bubble, that you get a weapon with player two and activate your shield before shooting at yourself with player 2's weapon to work toward the Luckily... achievement. You should get the 20 shield uses one by the time you've finished the Uzi, Rocket Launcher, and EMP ones.

During The War…

Run over an opponent’s fallen body.

During The War…
Am I Missing An Eyebrow?

Expertly explode 20 pensioners with the use of a rocket.

Am I Missing An Eyebrow?
Feeling Lucky?

Hose 20 oldies with the Uzi.

Feeling Lucky?
Luckily My Shield Will Protect Me

Successfully use a shield to block 20 attacks.

Luckily My Shield Will Protect Me

Use an EMP 20 times successfully.


If you somehow haven't gotten the one for using turbo without crashing 20 times, don't worry, as you should finish it in the next step. Switch to 2-player split screen Race mode (oil slicks aren't in free roam). Get the powerup, and if it's an oil slick, make sure you're moving forward before placing it. Once you do, drive over it with player 2. Repeat this 20 times. If you get a turbo and still haven't gotten that achievement, make sure to use the turbo and keep from crashing until it runs out each time.

Slick Moves Like Jagger

Slip up 20 people’s Sunday drive with some oil.

Slick Moves Like Jagger
Gone In Many Seconds

Boost without crashing, 20 times.

Gone In Many Seconds

Switch to Granddaddy mode and drive around until you find an item with a blue light beneath it. Pick it up to unlock Sweep. If you STILL haven't finished the 20 turbos achievement, finish that here, as ALL the powerups in Granddaddy mode are turbos.


Get 1 Crazy Granddad item.


For Skater Boy, load up a race on The Town - Race 3 in Single Player - Time Trial mode. Follow the track until you see the skateboarder (hard to miss). Ram him, then simply wait until he gets up and ram him again. After five brutal hit-and-runs, you'll unlock the achievement.

He Was A Skater Boy

Knock 5 skaters off the road.

He Was A Skater Boy

Similarly, for Paper Boy load up a race on The Village - Race 3 in time trial. At the very start, you should see the paperboy ride away. Catch up to him and ram him. Wait a second after you ram him to make sure it registers, then pause the game and restart the race. Repeat this five times to unlock the achievement.

Congratulations (or condolences?) on finishing this one, and thanks for using my walkthrough!~Life

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