Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 47 Offline Mode 47 Single Player 29 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 9 Difficulty Specific 2 Stackable 5 Shop 2 Time/Date 1 Buggy - 3 Discontinued Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The Shrike and the ThornComplete Soviet mission 1 on any difficulty level 1 guideCircus of TreacheryComplete Soviet mission 2 on any difficulty level 1 guideTaking Back Ice-HarborComplete Soviet mission 3 on any difficulty level 1 guideMarch of the Red ArmyComplete Soviet mission 4 on any difficulty level 1 guideThe Science of WarComplete Soviet mission 5 on any difficulty level No Traitors TomorrowComplete Soviet mission 6 on any difficulty level 1 guideTo Tame a Living GodComplete Soviet mission 7 on any difficulty level 1 guideThe Stone-Faced WitnessesComplete Soviet mission 8 on any difficulty level 1 guideBlight on the Big AppleComplete Soviet mission 9 on any difficulty level 1 guideRide of the Red MenaceComplete Allies mission 1 on any difficulty level 1 guideThe Shark and the LureComplete Allies mission 2 on any difficulty level The Famous LiberationComplete Allies mission 3 on any difficulty level Enemy of Our EnemyComplete Allies mission 4 on any difficulty level The Unfathomable FortressComplete Allies mission 5 on any difficulty level A Monument to MadnessComplete Allies mission 6 on any difficulty level 2 guidesForever Sets the SunComplete Allies mission 7 on any difficulty level The Great Bear TrapComplete Allies mission 8 on any difficulty level 1 guideThe Moon Shall Never Have ThemComplete Allies mission 9 on any difficulty level 3 guidesThe Death of Father FrostComplete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 1 on any difficulty level To Conquer Shattered SpiritsComplete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 2 on any difficulty level Behold the Shogun's ExecutionerComplete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 3 on any difficulty level Graveyard of a Foolish FleetComplete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 4 on any difficulty level Assault on the Black TortoiseComplete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 5 on any difficulty level Rage of the Black TortoiseComplete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 6 on any difficulty level Barbarians at the BayComplete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 7 on any difficulty level 2 guidesCrumble, Kremlin, CrumbleComplete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 8 on any difficulty level 2 guidesThe Last Red Blossom TrembledComplete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 9 on any difficulty level ConscriptComplete all lessons in the tutorial 1 guideTempus FugitComplete all campaigns on medium or hard difficulty level 1 guideMaster and CommanderComplete all campaigns on hard difficulty level (also unlocks achievement for medium difficulty) 2 guidesThe CleanerComplete all bonus objectives in the Soviet campaign 1 guideThe CloserComplete all bonus objectives in the Allies campaign 1 guideThe ConquerorComplete all bonus objectives in the Empire of the Rising Sun campaign 1 guideTag TeamComplete 9 different online co-op campaign missions 1 guideDynamic DuoComplete 18 different online co-op campaign missions 1 guideTwin TigersComplete 27 different online co-op campaign missions 2 guidesCheckmateDefeat a brutal-difficulty skirmish opponent on a 2-player map 6 guidesHell MarchWin battles on all original maps vs. skirmish opponents (medium-or-greater difficulty) 4 guidesSole SurvivorWin on 2-player maps vs. all 9 skirmish opponents (medium-or-greater difficulty) 2 guidesAgainst All OddsWin on a 4-player map vs. a team of 3 skirmish opponents (medium-or-greater difficulty) 4 guidesBloodsuckerLeech 7 different enemy weapons using Hammer Tanks in a ranked online match or skirmish 2 guidesShort WorkWin a battle in less than 5 minutes vs. a skirmish opponent (medium-or-greater difficulty) 4 guidesDay of JudgmentDestroy 30 enemy units with an ultimate weapon attack in a ranked online match or skirmish 2 guidesGirl's Best FriendKill 25 enemy targets in 1 minute with a Commando in a ranked online match or skirmish 2 guidesMeat GrinderCrush 20 enemy units in a ranked online match or skirmish (medium-or-greater difficulty) 3 guidesSword SaintCut down 15 enemy units with sword attacks in a ranked online match or skirmish 1 guideHigh Speed, Low DragArm 10 Multigunner IFVs with different weapons in a ranked online match or skirmish 2 guidesThe KnowledgeCapture 6 structures in a ranked online match or skirmish (medium-or-greater difficulty) 2 guidesThe Spy Who Bribed MeConvert 5 enemy units with a single Spy bribe in a ranked online match or skirmish 2 guidesReign of TerrorDismantle 4 enemy vehicles using the same Terror Drone in a ranked online match or skirmish 2 guides