Commander '85 Walkthrough

Written by Vudix Published January 11th 2021
2 - 3 hours 1 Playthrough 10
Commander '85 Walkthrough
Achievements in this walkthrough
Total Gamerscore
Total TrueAchievement
Estimated Time
2 to 3 hours
Playthroughs Required
Missable Achievements
Unobtainable Achievements
Online only Achievements
Contains DLC Achievements
Discuss this walkthrough here
Full Achievement Breakdown
Main Storyline
10 of 10 are Main Storyline
Offline Mode
10 of 10 are Offline Mode
Single Player
10 of 10 are Single Player
Games included
Gamers Involved
Vudix (Owner)
HarpCity (Overseer)

Please note that the details above reflect the time and playthroughs required to get all the Achievements in this walkthrough.

Commander '85 - Walkthrough overviewUpdate notes

Welcome to Commander '85! This game takes about 10-12 hours to unlock all of the achievements "legit", but thanks to the hard work of myself, Angel XC, Dwaggienite, and The Cherished... it's going to be 2-3 hours! Wowzers! In total, we all spent about 25 hours game-labbing and finding the fastest way for the community to complete the game. This walkthrough exploits a bug and does not cover any of the actual story. We do not foresee this bug being fixed. If the bug does get fixed, I'll push out a new walkthrough.

This game will only require one playthrough and is mostly a waiting game. Feel free to play something on your PC at the same time!

Commander '85 - General hints and tips

I don't have much to say here, since we won't even be leaving the prologue! Just keep in mind, there are bugs. You may experience some weird UI issues like I did when I first played. I also won't be covering controls because everything you need will be given to you right at the prologue.

Commander '85 - Story walkthrough

Without further ado, let's get started! Upon starting the game, we'll get a groovy '80s cutscene focused on a murder with some shots of several phone numbers. If you weren't reading this, those phone numbers would be super important. Since we're going for the fastest way to complete this, don't even worry about 'em!

Now, we should be in our house with our cool computer. Mom is mad, but just ignore her. If playing this 'legit', we would be trying to balance our time between appeasing mom and hacking. Our first order of business is to get acclimated to our computer. Press the red Power Key and listen to his instructions to get a good understanding of your processes. Pick your user name, make it cool! Make sure you select the "Basic" user level of the computer config, which will display all of the commands for you, rather than having to type them all out manually.

Threads are at the top of page 2 under 'KILL+INT'. Dial is on page 1. Your computer is going to show you a 'processes' screen; always kill everything except for #1. Doing this will lead to faster hacking. The only time we want all of our processes running will be when we try to get an actual ending.

Don't grab your school badge yet. The first real hack is hacking the school, but we're going to do everything else first! This will give us infinite time (sweet bug, I know!). Since we're still in the prologue, the game won't go on (there's an invisible timer though, so after the prologue, we automatically fail). This game resets completely any time you fail, but thankfully, we aren't here for the story and don't need to even leave the prologue.

Let's start nabbing achievements. We'll get 8 achievements from hacking, 1 achievement for completing the prologue, and another achievement for getting one of the three possible endings. Hop into List Processes, then Kill everything that isn't the OS if you didn't do it before. Next, dial number 311-437-0513. At the Beta Testers Log-On screen, type CRACK. Select Brute Force, then assign your open threads to crack. You'll have to assign them one by one. Now, get off your computer and lay in bed, which will accelerate your time with no punishment at all. Eventually, your achievement will pop while you're in bed. If you wake up before it finishes, keep sleeping. If the hack doesn't work, retry it again and lay in bed.

Action Figure - GameDev

You hacked the game development company!

Action Figure - GameDev

Now, kill all of your threads again and repeat the process for all of the numbers below.


Action Figure - Lawyer

You hacked the law firm!

Action Figure - Lawyer

311-399-5151 (AREA 51)

Action Figure - Alien

You hacked the Area 51!

Action Figure - Alien

311-399-0001 (MADMAN'S BBS)

Action Figure - Mad

You hacked the madman's BBS!

Action Figure - Mad

311-399-1206 (GOVERNMENT AGENCY)

Action Figure - Killer

You hacked the government agency!

Action Figure - Killer

311-399-3110 (BROWN LABS) (Used to make mom work more)

Action Figure - Forensic

You hacked the Brown Labs!

Action Figure - Forensic

311-767-1201 (BANK)

Action Figure - Thief

You hacked the bank!

Action Figure - Thief

For this final hack, stay on your computer to avoid glitching out the screen. It'll take about 8 minutes, so you can do the dishes or something. Watch a meme video.


Action Figure - MP

You hacked the Commander Facility!

Action Figure - MP

Alright, time to win the game. You're on the final screen. What? No, really. You have to jump through a lot of hoops for the secret code to win right away without following the story by hacking Pandoras Box. Here's the winning code we got from hacking the thing for '800 minutes.'...

Back out of your computer and grab the Pandora's box disk on the shelf by your computer (the one in the back). Install it, Kill all processes, Run it. Type "B26354", then back out and turn the PC back on. If you can't use the code, you'll have to save and quit, then continue. Once you get the code to work, press start, save and quit, then continue. Since we never did the prologue and played the game way out of order, you have to save and quit to trick the game into giving you the ending. The game glitches once more, and now you'll never have to solve the true mystery. You've won before the game has begun!

The End

You saved the world!

The End

Bootleg HAL 4000 is no match for you.

Now, for your last achievement, the hardest of all...beat the prologue. Follow the instructions on your computer and call your school. Hack them, change your grades, and boom. 1000/1000G!

Action Figure - Princess

You hacked the school!

Action Figure - Princess
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.

That's that! All done. Please keep in mind that the game is only this short because of the countless hours we spent cross-referencing numbers, names, and solving mysteries. There's a lot more to do and explore. That's all from me for now. Shoot me a message on here or post in the walkthrough thread if you have any questions at all! If you find a broken game and want to see it fixed, come visit us on our thread 'Get Unobtainables Fixed'. Much love.

A very special thanks to Marcin Makaj (creator of Commander '85 who gave out early access codes to me and others), Angel XC (one of the first completions who helped solve mysteries with the team), The Cherished (one of the first completions, first to discover 70% of HACK numbers, game-labbed with me), and Dwaggienite (solved the mystery of Pandora's Box Code).