Conan Achievements Here is the full list of all 49 Conan achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 20-25 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox 360.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 49 Offline Mode 49 Single Player 9 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 2 Difficulty Specific 1 Stackable 10 Collectable 32 Missable 14 Cumulative + 3 Level 1 Multiple Playthroughs Required Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Hands-On5 Grapple Kills 1 guideMan Handle50 Grapple Kills 2 guidesDeath Grip250 grapple kills 4 guidesFatal Touch500 grapple kills 4 guidesShish KabobImpale an enemy 1 guideEnemy AppetizersImpale 100 enemies 3 guidesNow You See It, Now You Don'tDisarm an enemy 2 guidesMaster LooterDisarm 100 enemies 2 guidesRock of AgesKill 100 enemies by boulder throw 2 guidesFree FallKill an enemy by death fall 1 guideDeath RainKill 100 enemies by death fall 1 guideSlice 'n Dice100 dismemberments 1 guideChop Shop500 dismemberments 1 guideMeat Market1000 dismemberments 3 guidesParry FarmPerform every parry kill move 2 guidesParry Assassin100 parry kills 1 guideParry King200 parry kills 2 guidesChained AttackerCombo Counter reaches 100 5 guidesChain of FoolsCombo Counter reaches 325 3 guidesMob MassacreKill 5 or more enemies simultaneously 2 guidesStrength of 10 menKill 10 or more enemies simultaneously 3 guidesTreasure SeekerFind 5 treasure chests 2 guidesTreasure HunterFind 50 treasure chests 2 guidesFilthy RichFind all treasure chests 2 guidesNoble ConanSave a Maiden 2 guidesMy HeroSave all maidens 2 guidesTriumvirate SeekerActivate 5 rune triumvirates 1 guideTriumvirates UnitedActivate all rune triumvirates 2 guidesDefeat Cleaver's ArmyDefeat the Bone Cleaver and his army in Barachan Isles and obtain The Ward of Fire 1 guideDragon SlayerDefeat the Sand Dragon in the lost city of Shem and obtain The Ward of the Earth 1 guideDemon SlayerDefeat the Elephant Demon in the Kush caves and obtain The Ward of the Abyss 2 guidesSnake CharmerDefeat the Sorceress Queen in Stygia and obtain The Ward of Souls 2 guidesWho's your Daddy?Defeat the Bone Cleaver in Argos and obtain The Ward of the Departed 7 guidesSink the SquidDefend the ship and defeat the Giant Squid 2 guidesRest In PeaceSend Graven into the Netherworld in the Ocean Ruins and complete the game 2 guidesThe Legendary SetCollect all armor pieces 2 guidesMighty ConanComplete the game on Hard mode 2 guidesMaster ConanComplete the game on King mode 3 guidesBill of HealthFind all Health Meter powerups 1 guideArmored UpFind all Power Meter powerups 1 guideAdrenaline RushFind all Song of Death meter powerups 1 guideMaster SwordsmanAll one-handed blade attacks mastered 3 guidesMaster Dual WielderAll dual wield attacks mastered 3 guidesMaster Two-Handed SwordsmanAll two-handed blade attacks mastered 3 guidesBring out the GimpKill at least 25 enemies during the Giant Squid boss battle 2 guidesLosing His MindDecapitate a captain with a shield 2 guidesUntouchableComplete a mission without taking any damage 4 guidesHigh and MightyScore 20000 points in a level 2 guidesThe Bloody CrownScore 100000 total points 1 guide