Latest Contra News

Contra and More Now Backward Compatible

Another 5 titles have joined the ever expanding Xbox Backward Compatibility program, including Contra, 3D Ultra Minigolf Adventures, Golf: Tee It Up!, Gin Rummy and RoboBlitz.

Posted 8 years ago by Dave Horobin

Hard Corps: Uprising Trailer

Kenji Yamamoto, producer for Hard Corps: Uprising, is celebrating the game being chosen as the launch title for Microsoft's House Party promotion. They were so happy, they decided to release the "Hou

Posted 14 years ago by Rebecca Smith

More Hard Corps: Uprising Screenshots

In mid-December, we reported that Konami had released a batch of screenshots and some gameplay details for XBLA title Hard Corps: Uprising. Today, the publisher released another set of screenshots to

Posted 14 years ago by Keith Gray

Hard Corps: Uprising Screenshots

Konami have released new screenshots for their upcoming XBLA title Hard Corps: Uprising. The game is a prequel to Contra: Hard Corps and is the first Contra game that will not carry the name of the f

Posted 15 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Latest Contra Screenshots

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