Crackdown 1 and 2 DLC Now FreeSquad support has finally arrived in Crackdown 3: Wrecking Zone for all players, and it brings along some free goodies for those who may be interested in checking out the first two games in the franchise. Posted 6 years ago by Rebecca Smith
TA Top Five: Diseases, Viruses & Parasites*cough cough* Excuse me. I'm feeling a little down in the dumps at the moment. One positive about feeling under the weather though, is that I get to fit in more time with the Xbox. Sitting here feeli Posted 11 years ago by Chewie
Microsoft Studio XBL Sale Now On [UPDATED]Second Edit: Now, according to a Tweet on @Xbox, the sale is indeed lasting until Monday, August 1st, as originally thought. Panic over! Edit: According to an update by Major Nelson, these deals are Posted 14 years ago by Rebecca Smith
Crackdown 2 Deluge Pack Available NowThe much awaited "Premium Deluge Pack" for Crackdown 2 has arrived and is live right now on the Xbox LIVE Marketplace. Priced at 560MSP, the DLC brings the following additions to the game: The Premiu Posted 15 years ago by BrassBrum
Crackdown 2's Deluge Add-On DetailedFor those of you that have looked at Crackdown 2's Avatar Awards will probably already know that there is a second DLC pack coming for the game: the Deluge Add-On. Posted 15 years ago by zigs00
Crackdown 2 - Toy Box DLC ReissuedIf you were one of the eager bunch to download the Toy Box DLC offering for Crackdown 2, you may have noticed that the DLC hosted a few bugs and glitches. These ranged from frozen loading screens, ga Posted 15 years ago by BrassBrum
Crackdown 2 - Toy Box DLC AnnouncedYour work isn't finished yet, agent. Microsoft have today announced the contents for the first piece of Crackdown 2 - the "Toy Box." Much like the original game's DLC, the content will be available i Posted 15 years ago by zigs00
Crackdown 2 Demo Coming MondayI'm sure that plenty of you would be pleased to know that on Monday a demo will be hitting the marketplace for Crackdown 2. And on top of that, the demo WILL feature four player co-op, AND on top of Posted 15 years ago by ButterflyxEdge