Crusader Kings III Achievements Full list of all 95 Crusader Kings III achievements worth 1,555 gamerscore.The base game contains 67 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there are 4 DLC packs containing 28 achievements worth 555 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 94 Offline Mode 94 Single Player 1 Buggy - 1 Discontinued Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 8,945 1,000 67 3.8736,56652 (0%) Hook, Line & SinkerGain a weak hook on any character, Gain strong hook on any character 1 guideThe Gift of LifeProduce a new child 1 guideThe Last to Fall are the BuildingsConstruct any new building in your domain Upgrade to Match Your DestinyUpgrade any existing building in your domain 1 guideUntil Death Do Us PartGet married 1 guideLifestyle ChoicesChoose a Lifestyle and apply a Lifestyle Perk Military MattersCreate a new Men-At-Arms regiment. Upgrade any Men-At-Arms regiment. 1 guideA Council for KingsReplace an existing council member InheritanceProduce a child that has an inheritable trait 1 guideKnowledge Itself is PowerStart a scheme. Find a secret. Use a hook. The Darkness that Surrounds UsHave someone assassinated 1 guideClaim Your PowerFabricate a claim 1 guideThe Art Of WarDeclare War, Win a War and then Enforce your demands on the enemy. 1 guideBravery is Half the VictoryInitiate and successfully form an alliance 1 guideA Well Educated MindAppoint a guardian to one of your children 1 guideTo Command is to ServeAppoint a new Military Commander Death Did Us PartMurder your spouse in a scheme 1 guideIt's not a Cult!Create a faith A Royal MakeoverChange the appearance of your ruler using the Barbershop 1 guideAbove GodGain a strong hook on your Head of Faith 3 guidesA House of My OwnCreate a Cadet Branch of your Dynasty 2 guidesAlmost ThereAs Álmos Árpád of the Mogyër Confederation in 867, form Hungary and convert to Catholicism. 1 guideDreadful RulerGain the maximum amount of Dread (100) 3 guidesFine PrintUse a hook to modify a Feudal Contract 1 guideMoving up in the WorldIncrease your Rank by gaining a title that is a higher rank than your previous title Not So Feudal SystemGain a claim on a title using the Claim Throne Scheme. 3 guidesSeductiveAs any Character, successfully Seduce 10 people 1 guideStressful SituationGain a high enough Stress level to cause a Mental Breakdown 1 guideThe Emerald IsleStarting as an Irish ruler, form the Kingdom of Ireland 1 guideThe Succession is SafeHave 10 living children 1 guideThe Things We Do for LoveMurder your lover's spouse 2 guidesTurning to DiamondsReach the highest possible stress level 1 guideWay of LifeObtain every perk in a Lifestyle 1 guideBlack WidowSeduce a character. Assassinate the character. 1 guideMid Life CrisisComplete any skill tree. Reset your perk points. 1 guideA Legacy to Last the AgesComplete an entire Dynasty Legacy path. Ironman Mode ON 1 guideAn Unfortunate AccidentInherit a title from someone you Murdered. Ironman Mode ON 1 guideBad BloodGo to war with one of your siblings over a Claim. Ironman Mode ON 1 guideCelebrityReach the highest possible Level of Fame. Ironman Mode ON 1 guideFollowed by ShadowsKnow 10 secrets simultaneously. Ironman Mode ON 1 guideFor the Faith!Take part in a successful Great Holy War. Ironman Mode ON FrankokratiaCompletely Control the Kingdom of Thessalonika. Must be French. Ironman Mode ON 2 guides20/20 CouncilAll Council Members have relevant skill levels of 20 or higher (excludes spouse). Ironman Mode ON 2 guidesKnow Your PlaceWin a civil war by defeating a Faction. Ironman Mode ON Land of the RusStart as Rurik the Troublemaker, 867. Lead your Dynasty to rule the Russian Empire. Ironman Mode ON 2 guidesMonumentalFully upgrade a Duchy Building anywhere in your personal Domain. Ironman Mode ON 2 guidesNon Nobis DomineFound a Holy Order. Ironman Mode ON 1 guideNorman YokeAs Duke William of Normandy in 1066, subjugate England. Ironman Mode ON 3 guidesRoyal DignityAs Duke Vratislav Přemyslid of Bohemia, 1066, rule Bohemia & the Holy Roman Empire. Ironman Mode ON 1 guideSaintReach the highest possible Level of Devotion (max Piety). Ironman Mode ON 1 guideSeven Holy CitiesAs a Hindu, own or become the Liege of all seven Hindu Holy Sites. Ironman Mode ON 1 guideThe Emperor's New ClothesWhile holding any Empire Title, be naked. Ironman Mode ON 2 guidesTrapped in the WebHave strong hooks on three Direct Vassals. Ironman Mode ON 2 guidesA Name Known Throughout the WorldReach the highest possible Level of Splendor for your Dynasty. Ironman Mode ON 1 guideAl-AndalusTake the 'Avenge the Battle of Tours' decision and completely control Iberia. Ironman Mode ON 1 guideBeacon of ProgressUnlock all Innovations (excluding regional and culture-specific innovations). Ironman Mode ON 1 guideKings to the Seventh GenerationAs Count Eudes Robertine of Anjou, 867, your Dynasty rules the Kingdom of France. Ironman Mode ON 1 guideLast Count, First KingAs Duke Nuño of Portucale in 1066, form Portugal. Ironman Mode ON 2 guidesEnd of an EraPlay until 1453. Ironman Mode ON 1 guideParagon of VirtueHave three or more Virtuous Traits. Ironman Mode ON 3 guidesProlificHave 100 living Dynasty members. Ironman Mode ON 1 guideReconquistaControl the Iberia region and ensure all associated counties are Christian. Ironman Mode ON 2 guidesPower CorruptsUse a hook to help you win an Election. Ironman Mode ON 3 guidesMother of Us AllAs Daurama Daura of Kano, 867, reform a pagan faith & convert all local Counties. Ironman Mode ON 2 guidesRise from the AshesRestore the Roman Empire. Ironman Mode ON 2 guidesWhat Nepotism?Have your Dynasty rule 10 sovereign realms of at least Kingdom tier simultaneously. Ironman Mode ON 2 guidesCompletionistComplete all achievements 1 guide Add-on Northern Lords 839 150 7 4.5027848 (17%) A Dangerous BusinessAs a dwarf, win a Varangian Adventurer war anywhere outside of Europe. Ironman Mode On. Far From HomeAs a Norse-Asatru ruler, have your capital on any island in the Indian Ocean. Ironman Mode On. 1 guideVladimir's Second ChoiceAs a North Germanic Asatruan, convert yourself and all of Russia to Islam. Ironman Mode On. 3 guidesCanute the GreaterAs an unreformed tribal, form the North Sea Empire. Ironman Mode On. 2 guidesFaster than the FoxAs a Norse tribal, control the entirety of Sicily before 1047. Ironman Mode On. 1 guideMiklagarðaríkiAs an Asatru, hold the kingdom of Thessalonika with a title other than Byzantium. Ironman Mode On. 1 guideKing of all the IslesAs a North Germanic Asatruan, control all Atlantic and Mediterranean islands. Ironman Mode On. 1 guide Add-on Royal Court 1,058 140 7 4.5059028 (5%) Changing CourseCreate a Divergent Culture. Ironman Mode On. 1 guideConverging PathsCreate a Hybrid Culture. Ironman Mode On. 1 guideCrème de la CrèmeReach the maximum amount of Court Grandeur. Ironman Mode On. One of a KindObtain a mythological rarity artifact from an Adventurer Inspiration. Ironman Mode On. 1 guideBod Chen PoAs a member of the Pugyel Dynasty, re-create the Empire of Tibet. Ironman Mode On. Turkish EagleAs the Seljuk Count in Samosata, own Rum and a Hybrid culture of Oghuz and Greek. Ironman Mode On. 1 guideLingua FrancaHave every Royal Court speak your Court Language. Ironman Mode On. 2 guides Add-on Fate of Iberia 904 145 7 3.5013631 (23%) Basque In My GloryEmbrace the Basque paganism faith during the Iberian struggle. Ironman Mode On. Iberian CompromiseEnd the Iberian struggle through compromise. Ironman Mode On. Iberian ConciliationEnd the Iberian struggle by setting your differences aside. Ironman Mode On. Iberian HostilitiesEnd the Iberian struggle through means of force. Ironman Mode On. Holidaying in IberiaStart as an uninvolved character, become involved and end the Iberian struggle. Ironman Mode On. The Andalusian InquisitionConvert all of Iberia to the Mozarabic faith. Ironman Mode On. 1 guideLegacy of The CampeadoresCreate and rule the kingdom of Valencia as an heir to El Cid. Ironman Mode On. 1 guide Add-on Tours and Tournaments 967 120 7 0.0014316 (11%) The Grandest TourVisit ten Kingdom Tier Vassals on a Grand Tour Imperial MarchAs an Emperor, go on an Intimidation Tour visiting all of your Powerful Vassals The Very BestFinish any track in the Hastiluder Trait 1 guideA Thousand and One NightOrchestrate a Grand Wedding where the Spouses become Soulmates Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!Capture a large wild animal while on a Hunt The Iron and Golden KingHave a capital Barony with 60+ income, a stationed 500+ Heavy Cavalry Regiment and a mine 1 guideLittle William MarshalWin every Contest at a Grand Tournament with at least three Contests