Cyber Shadow Achievements Full list of all 40 Cyber Shadow achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 15-20 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 40 Offline Mode 40 Single Player 9 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 6 Collectable 17 Missable 2 Cumulative + 3 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply PacifistReach the Smasher without killing enemies. 2 guidesSmashingDefeat Smasher without destroying the wall turrets. 2 guidesFight with honorDefeat the Apparitor without hitting him in the back. 1 guideLong distanceDefeat Laserbrain without hitting it with your sword. 2 guidesWouldn't hurt a flyComplete Chapter 2 elevator without killing rust flies. 1 guideNot a scratchDefeat Scrambler without taking damage. 1 guideFocused effortDefeat Hunter Tank without destroying the popup turrets. 1 guideBoringDestroy 5 hunter bores. 1 guideBlade's plentyDefeat Biohunter with sword only. 2 guidesLive foreverReach the dojo without dying. 1 guideDry socksDefeat Mekadragon without falling into water. 1 guideFloor is lavaDefeat six AI vessel defense system turrets without touching floor. 1 guidePing pongDefeat Subject Alpha v1 by parrying only. 1 guideShow offDefeat Subject Alpha v2 with 0 SP at the start of battle. 1 guideFast trackDefeat Tunnel Cleaner in under 60 seconds. 1 guideDon't touch the paintComplete the bike ride without taking damage. 1 guideAttacking aggressivelyDefeat the Dropship in under 30 seconds. 1 guideThis is my boatComplete boat ride without teambots touching the deck. 1 guidePogo masterLightning strike the Combinatron head ten times without landing. 1 guideEye for an eyeDefeat each of the small eyes before defeating Spiderail. 1 guideLonely robotFind the lone robot in the train tunnel. 1 guideTools of the tradeFind four different special items. GadgetmasterFind eight different special items. 1 guideAirtimeStay airborne for 30 seconds. 2 guidesNo youParry 50 times. 1 guideSuper ninjaShadow dash through 10 enemies without touching ground. 1 guideSaving the clanGet shuriken. 1 guideRise to the challengeGet rising fire. Strike them downGet airstrike. Monkey aroundGet wall slide. Forged willGet katana forge. Deflect evilGet parry. 1 guideSudden movementsGet dash. OverpoweredGet charge. Born readyFinish normal mode without collecting any HP or SP upgrades. 1 guideMaximum powerFind all SP upgrades. 2 guidesA thousand soulsFind all HP upgrades. 2 guidesReturned to ethosFinish normal mode. Fast as lightningFinish normal mode in under 3 hours. 1 guide100%Finish normal mode with all powerups collected. 1 guide