Dark souls gfwl code
by Master guard05
Dark Souls (GFWL) key for sell
by Prokapustish
Get Dark Souls working Online GFWL 2022!
Achievement sync issues
by Keila
2024 - If you have a physical disc and can't get past the GFWL connection prompt...
Seeing the large amount of completions, could someone tell me how to find a used copy of this!
by Loxim
Dark Souls on Windows 10 GFWL can't sign in or save
by NullKueste921
Unable to Bypass ZDP on a Disc Based Copy
by wheelbytes
edit: UPDATE AGAIN: may still be possible to get GFWL version if own DS:Prepare to Die on Steam.
by Archer Spense
Uneeded GFWL codes?
by Pipipo kun
Getting error, can't activate the GFWL disc version
by Rorkror
Possible fix for retail copies crashing when updated!
by SargeCassidy XB
Game crashing after a few minutes
by JamPound32
Help with Release Date Check
by Jasper xb
Dark souls pc
by el Frenox
Can I Just play it offline?
by WillOctave
Install file for steam
by SlightlyErotic
Dark Souls GFWL not working on Win 10 AND Win 7
by Aliekus
Looking to buy a copy that can earn achievements
by 青岛丶OGGamer
Selling sealed copy, Prepare to Die edition
How to surpass release date check ?
by CrysisWarXX3
gfwl > steamworks now available
by Senior Chupon
inverted date achievements
Nine Things I Learned from TA Playlist in 2017
Spell Achievements Not Syncing
by MacWhyte
GFWL and My Final Achievements
by Baracus Xander
TA Playlist Podcast Episode 6 - Dark Souls
Games for windows live
Bug after installing 2.4 patch
by alfi17
TA Playlist for September 2017, Dark Souls, Has Begun
Vote Now for September 2017's TA Playlist Game
looking for GFWL Key
Achievement not syncing
by Roman Navel
coop to get the 1000
GFWL looking for Coop?
by Red Hysteria
Getting past the release date check?
by Trunks KPH
Looking for info
Can you earn achievements for this game if you buy it on Steam?
by Head Shot 7130
How do I buy a key for this game?
by Pra1s3Th3Sun
Cant verify the date... GFWL partially down?
by ClockWrkPhantom
Crashing on Startup
by Dante Kasai
so how do i get these achievements now?
by Onyx The Odd
Dark Souls Pc Problems
by Lord Douggie
Dark Souls PC Version Migrating To Steam
by ArmaggedonPSA
Patch coming to steam version to remove gfwl
Optimal guide for achievements
Dark Souls
by Juicyjams
A Whole Lot Of People Don't Want Dark Souls PC To Use GFWL.
by CONKER1182
Achievements showing up in strange order
by Raziel Cruentus
Would love some help killin Smough & Ornstein in NG+
by Boothdom