Darkest Dungeon Achievements Full list of all 62 Darkest Dungeon achievements worth 1,305 gamerscore. It takes around 120-150 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game.The base game contains 52 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there are 2 DLC packs containing 10 achievements worth 305 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 62 Offline Mode 62 Single Player 2 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 3 Difficulty Specific 4 Stackable 1 Collectable 3 Cumulative + 13 Level 4 Shop 1 Multiple Playthroughs Required 6 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 6,094 1,000 52 469,178127 (0%)120-150h Welcome home...Reach the Estate 1 guideThe first of many victories...Complete a quest in the Ruins 1 guideDiscretion, my old friend...Abandon a quest 1 guideThe first evil to fall...Slay your first boss 1 guideA strenuous adventure comes to a close...Complete a medium quest 1 guideA grueling adventure comes to a close...Complete a long quest 1 guideA team of hardened veterans...Start a quest with all four heroes of Resolve Level 6 Like lambs to the slaughter...Start a Darkest Dungeon quest with four heroes of resolve level 0 1 guideEvery corner of this ruined land...Complete a quest in all four regions 1 guideTwisted and about to breakComplete a dungeon with all 4 heroes afflicted 1 guideAnd our training begins...Upgrade a Combat skill 1 guideIt takes more than brawn...Learn a new Camping skill 1 guideA drink, a hand, and a companion...Treat a hero in the Tavern 1 guideA rumination, a prayer, and a confession...Treat a hero in the Abbey 1 guideWeeding out the weak...Dismiss your first hero 1 guideThe price we pay for sanity...Remove a Quirk in the Sanitarium 1 guideEncouragement...Lock a positive Quirk in the Sanitarium 1 guideOur equipment polished to a mirror finish...Fully upgrade the Blacksmith 1 guideOur techniques honed to a razor's edge...Fully upgrade the Guild 1 guideThe tavern my Ancestor once saw...Fully upgrade the Tavern 1 guideThe abbey my Ancestor once knew...Fully upgrade the Abbey 1 guideOnly the finest equipment will endureFully upgrade a hero's weapons and armor Only a masterful technique will sufficeFully upgrade at least four of a hero's skills Restored to its former glory...Fully upgrade the Town 1 guideA sobering visit with the departed...Visit the Graveyard 1 guideA true champion emerges...Raise a hero to Resolve Level 6 Darkest sentinels...Raise 4 heroes to Resolve Level 6 The end of the first year...Reach week 52 Two years of this...Reach week 104 1 guideA collection of treasured antiques...Collect at least 30 heirlooms from a single quest 1 guideA killer of striking force and wit...Kill 50 enemies with one hero 1 guideThe first of many has fallen...Lose your first hero 1 guideThe stresses were unbearable...Lose your first hero to heart attack 1 guideGnawing hunger sets in...Lose a hero to hunger 1 guideThat'll do, pig...Lose a hero to Wilbur 1 guideWe return to the worms of the earth...Lose a hero to a Maggot 1 guideWatch your step...Lose a hero to a trap 1 guideBlocked from life...Lose a hero to an obstacle 1 guideValiant sacrifice...Lose all four heroes on a Darkest Dungeon quest 1 guideNo retreat, no quarter...First party wipe 1 guideWe all return to dust...Lose a Legendary (Level 6) hero 1 guideWhat is already Dead Cannot DieHave a character survive 5 attacks at Death's Door in a single combat 3 guidesMore blood soaks the soil...Party wipe on a boss 1 guideSentimental relics from our forefathers...Acquire all your Ancestor's Trinkets 1 guideA terrifying figure...Slay a Shambler 1 guideStrict ModeComplete the game with default difficulty options 1 guideCaretakerComplete all Caretaker Goals 1 guideVictory, such as it is...Complete the game on Darkest In such haste...Complete the game within 99 Weeks 1 guideLone survivorKill any boss with only one hero remaining 1 guideWorld EndComplete the game on Stygian In Sheep's ClothingDefeat the Brigand Vvulf 1 guide Add-on The Crimson Court 713 170 5 4.581,180256 (22%)15-20h Les Jeux Son FaitsDefeat the Baron 1 guideJust the ChequeDefeat the Viscount Her Last DanceDefeat the Countess The Red HookBuild The Red Hook 1 guideZealous AccusationDefeat the Fanatic 1 guide Add-on The Color of Madness 646 135 5 4.002,595169 (7%)6-8h A Taste Of MadnessComplete The First Farmstead Quest A Merciful ActDefeat the Miller Beyond The InfiniteDefeat the Sleeper Ashes To AshesGet 300 Kills 1 guideThere Are No WordsDefeat the Thing From The Stars